s i x t e e n

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"Hey Tony, can you- oh god, not again! Seriously?"

Poor Bruce had yet again walked in on the two kissing in the lab - though kissing seems like an understatement.

Tony and Aphrodite looked over at him, both with wide eyes, Tony stepped in front of her, allowing her to put her dress back on, and buttoned his shirt back up before walking over to Bruce.

"Will you two please find somewhere else to do.. this!"

"We're sorry!" she started, pulling her heels back on. "It's just that no one else has clearance to this floor so it's kind of the safest place."

"I'm sorry kid, and I'm mostly saying this to Tony when I say: i don't care."

The billionaire shot him an offended/confused look, but continued to listen.

"I don't need to see you two on the verge of having sex every time I come in here! Find somewhere else. Please, for my sake."

"Don't worry Bruce, we will."

"We will?" Tony looked at the girl who was now beside him, still visually confused.

"Yes." She looked back at him. "We will."

Bruce sighed and nodded, making his way past them. he set his coffee down and got to work on fixing Aphrodite's suit, considering when Tony tried to do it, he ended up tearing the front in half during one of his and Aphrodite's interactions.

"And until then, we will hold off from any.. activities-"

"Or!" Tony clearly didn't like the idea of having to keep his hands off Aphrodite. "Or.. hear me out- we just start acting like a couple and completely ignore what the rest of the team says!"

"So we're a couple now?" She smirked and stepped closer to him.

"Well- yes. Only If you want to be, that is."

"I want to be." She nodded.

"Good. Good.. because I, I want to be too." He put his hands on her arms and kissed her forehead.

"You have terrible aim." She chuckled and pointed to her lips.

He smirked and kissed her, quickly pulling away when he head an awkward cough coming from Banner.

"Sorry." Tony cleared his throat and looked back at the girl in front of him. "Meet me out front at 6.. I'm taking you on a date." He began to walk away. "Dress formal! It's fancy!"

"Alright." Aphrodite chuckled and went over to Bruce, helping him with her suit.


"Well don't you look just gorgeous." He put his hands on her waist and moved them down to her hips, and then back up again. "I could just bend you over and take you right now." He practically growled into her ear.

"Not yet darling, let's eat first." She removed her hands from his shoulders and stepped away, only for him to pull her back by her hips.

"I'd rather eat you."

"Well I'd like a burger. So let's go."

He opened the car door to her and they drove to a five guys drive thru to order burgers.

"I thought you said it was fancy."

"I did say that, yes."

"So tell me why, we're sitting in a five guys parking lot, eating like pigs, an hour and a half away from home." She said, turning her head to look at him.

"Well, i did plan on taking you to a fancy restaurant." He mimicked her actions and also turned to look at her. "But then I thought, how about we get some privacy and go stay at my house in Miami for a week?"

"You're taking me to Miami? Tony, I don't have any clothes."

"I know, that's the best part : i get to see you wearing my clothes for an entire week.. with no one to bother us!" He smiled at her and took a bite of his burger.

She rolled her eyes and laughed, smiling to herself.




appentence  //t.starkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن