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"You Ready?"


Her heels clicked on the concrete steps as she walked towards the front door of her mothers house.

Surprisingly, the sun was shining, but it was still November so she wore one of Tony's leather jackets on top of her outfit.

She knocked on the door and her mother opened it almost instantly

[A/N imagine angelina jolie but with black hair]

She pulled her daughter into a tight hug and they all went inside to the living room.

Aphrodite immediately rushed over to the dog beds to greet her "children" and sat on the floor with them whilst Tony and her mother sat down on the arm chairs.

"Hello my babies, did you miss me? I missed you, pretty babies, aw hello." She spoke in a slightly high pitched voice, as if she were talking to a small child, while she ruffled their fur and hugged the three dogs of varying sizes.

There was a big shiny Doberman who was nudging her with his head, an even bigger Alsatian that kept jumping on her, and a tiny ginger Pomeranian that was barking at her feet.

"Wow, some nice dogs you got here, mrs Black."

"Oh just call me Melissa, darling, Mrs. Black is far too formal for me."

"Alright then Melissa."  He flashed her a smile and she chuckled slightly.

"So, has Aphrodite been behaving herself at the tower? Or is it the compound now?"

"Yeah, it's the compound, and Aphrodite has been amazing; she's quite the angel, really."

"Really?" She sounded genuinely surprised by that. "That makes a change, if only she could've been such the angel during high school."

"Mum, please don't," She whined while laughing, knowing all of the embarrassing stories her mother would tell.

"Oh the trouble she would get to up to."

"Trouble? I'm.. shocked."

"Oh all of the meetings i had with teachers. Oh Aphrodites done this, Aphrodites done that, Aphrodites set fire to the bathrooms, Aphrodite broke someone's nose with a rounders bat, Aphrodite was caught with molly -"


"Yes! Which at the time, I thought was a girl that she'd been going out with and they'd been caught h-"

"Mum! Maybe it's time to go pick up prim from school, me and Tony 'll go and be back in.. half an hour?"

Melissa turned to the billionaire across from her whilst Aphrodite stood up and pulled her shoes back on.

"You know, she's only saying that because she knows I won't talk about it while her sisters here." She stood up and gave her daughter a hug. "Don't want Primrose thinking you're a bad influence, now, do we?" She moved Aphrodites hair out of her face and straightened her jacket out before pulling the top of her shirt up a bit. "And cover these, you don't want to be showing your-"

"I know, I know." She kissed her mother on the cheek and grabbed Tony's hand, practically dragging him out of the house.

"Well that was awkward."

"Ok, I always knew that you weren't the best influence but wow, you are bad!"

"What, am I a bad girl, Mr. Stark?" She chuckled and looked over at Tony, who was flustered and stuttered so much he couldn't form a proper sentence.

"I'm kidding!" She laughed. "Just felt like I had to.. play out the movie scene, you know?"

"Yeah, Yeah.. of course."

Tony and Aphrodite stood outside of the door of the school, waiting for the bell to go to signal the end of the school day.

Soon enough, they caught site of her little sisters wild curly hair as she ran though the crowd of many other students, towards Aphrodite who scooped her up in her arms and spun her around in a hug.

"I missed you!"

"I missed you more!"

The two sisters (and tony) walked back to the car and soon enough, they were back at Aphrodites mothers house.

"Mr. Tony, when are you and my sister going to get married?"

Aphrodite choked on her drink and put the glass of wine down.

"Primrose, leave your sisters boyfriend alone."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"Oh honey, I don't care if you date an older man! You know when I met your father, I was 18 and he was 34!"

"Mum! He's not!"

"Sure he isn't." She nodded and gave a subtle wink to Tony who looked extremely flustered .

"So when are you going to marry him?" Primrose questioned her sister whilst giving a death stare to the billionaire opposite her.

"Babes, we're not even dating, why would you think that?"

"Because he looks at you the way daddy used to look at mummy."

The room fell silent before Melissa clapped her hands together "okay,who wants ice cream?"

Primrose ran to the kitchen with her mother following behind, leaving Aphrodite and Tony sitting in an awkward silence.

"Sorry about her."

"Oh don't worry about it. It's like having another peter here."


"Yeah, you know, he's always coming into my lab and saying "when are you gonna take Aphrodite out for a date?" And.. stuff like that."

"He's never said that to me."

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