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"Alright lovebirds, have fun while you're here, call me ok?"

"I promise." Aphrodite kissed her mother and the cheek and grasped Tony's hand while they walked down the street towards where they'd parked the car.

"that was.."


"Well it wasn't too bad." He looked over at her from the drivers seat as she sat down and buckled her seatbelt. "Back to the hotel?"

"Yes. I am so tired, I might just pass out right here."

"Well it's a forty-five minute drive. Might as well just sleep now?"

"Yeah but then I'd have to wake up.." she groaned but still rested her head on the back of the seat, falling asleep almost immediately.

"You're up early."

"You're up earlier." She made no effort to get out of bed and simply put her head further into her pillow.

"Oh so its one of those days is it?"

"Mhm.. thanks" he handed her a cup of tea, as he did every morning since being in the hotel, and she sat up in bed, wrapped in a blanket, and drank it.

"Don't spill any." Tony called out as he walked into the bathroom, the shower turning on momentarily after that.

Aphrodite however, chose to stay in bed for the rest of the morning. she'd showered last night and decided to wait until she actually felt unclean to go in.

"So, how about we go to lunch?"

"It's too early for lunch."

"Okay, then breakfast?"

"Too late for breakfast."

"Kid, you're not even out of bed yet."

"So? And don't call me kid. I'm almost 20."

"Okay, 1. It's 11:38am, you should be out of bed by now. 2. If you're going to sit around and watch cartoons all day then I'm going to call you kid,"

"It's rick and morty though.. not really a kids cartoon."

"Whatever, it's animated. And 3. You turn 20 in ... 11 months."

"My birthdays in June."

"I thought it was October?"

She rolled her eyes at him and turned over, facing the wall, and away from him.

"We'll go for brunch then."

"We'll go for dinner in a few hours. I'm tired."

"You slept for like.. 14hours, how are you tired?"

She didn't answer and instead just mumbled some random words that the billionaire couldn't understand.

He chose to ignore the strange girl and went out on his own.

Although he had been to London for business before, he had never stayed long enough to properly see it.

Walking around, he was noticed of course, and took many photos and signed even more autographs, before walking into a Chanel store and buying bottle of Chanel no.5 in a little gift bag and some light pink roses from a random shop in the street, bringing them back to the hotel and leaving them on the table with a little note that read 'from T. S'

appentence  //t.starkWhere stories live. Discover now