a normal day (smut)

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Nightmare pov:

I woke up the next morning to Henry nudging my cheek "*yawn* morning Henry" I said rubbing my eye. Henry always wakes up early and then wakes me up because he gets really bored. I had grown use to it and even got rid of my alarm cloke since he always woke me up. "You sleep alright?" I asked. He made a high pitched gurgle or a happy gurgle "heh I'm glad" I scratched the bottom of him getting a little gurgle from him before sitting up. The rest of them were still asleep meaning I had control over them. When they woke up they would take back control as long as I wasn't doing anything to important. I sat at the edge of my bed stretching to wake myself up. I was still naked from last night. Smirked remembering everything from last night. Henry rubbed my neck sensing my thoughts I assume. I stroked him a little before standing up and starting to get dressed. I out come black shorts on a white shirt that got covered in goop and became black, and a nice hoodie with a connected pocket. I left my room and started going down the stairs. As I did dopey slowly started to wake up. I only noticed him as I got the the bottom of the stairs and he started wiggling around to wake himself up "oh sup dopey" I said continuing to the kitchen. He plopped himself on my head lazily as a reply "pfft- same" I said opening the door to the kitchen. It was only early and everyone else liked to sleep in so I had the place to myself for at least a couple hours, well we I should say. I opened the cabinet and grabbed a box of cereal. As I placed the box down Henry got my a bowl from the cupboard under the table and dopey grabbed a spoon "thanks boys" I said petting them both. I grabbed a carton of milk and placed it in the side. As I was about to pour the cereal dopey nudged me "hmm? What is it" he gestured to the milk "dopey for the last fuckin time we are not pouring milk being cereal. That's a crime I'm not willing to commit" I said annoyed. He let out a sort of drowned growl untill Henry dumped him. They both started what looked like an argument and I continued my breakfast not really phased by the two. Once I was done I sat down and started eating my breakfast. Dopey whent in my pocket and grabbed my phone passing it to me "thanks" I said unlocking it. I opened Sbotify (no) and when to my library. I had four play list each titled after the names of the tentacles. Each had their own style and taste in music so I made play list for them to make it easier "whoever taps the table first gets their music played" I said not wanting another fight about music to break out. Henry dashed for the table while dopey took a sec to take in what I had said, by the time he did he had lost. Dopey gurgled st me but I shut him down "fair is fair. After two songs I'll switch to yours" I said reminding him of our agreement. I started playing Henry's music which consists of chill happy music. One of his favourite artist was cave town. They all had different tastes in music and I didn't mind any of them. Dopey had a weird taste in music but not in a bad way. His was more weird creepy but also a vibe at the same time? Hid favourite artist was sodikken. Grumpy's taste for music was just angry hard core kinda music but also sad music and his favourite artist was NF. It was a lot different from the other threes but I still liked it. And Sleepy's music was anything lofi basically. He fell asleep listening to it anyway. But if I guessed a favourite artist it would probably be Shiloh dynasty. At the moment lemon bit was playing and Henry was moving to the music while dopey lay on the table moving the tip of himself side to side to the heats of the music. I continued eating my food untill it was all done and I put it in the sink. As I washed my dish grumpy slowly started waking up and when he did he rammed into my head "ow! What's that for?" I said looking at him. He stared at me for a second before pointing to the speaker that was currently playing dopey's first song "I'm not playing your music yet" I said. He rammed into my arm which annoyed me "after dopey has had his two songs you'll get yours ok? The world doesn't revolve around you" I said tapping the top of him with the spoon I was cleaning. He hid down by my leg clearly in a mood. He always had something to complain about, it's why the name grumpy was so perfect. I put the dishes on the rack and whent outside to have a smoke. I always had a smoke in the morning just to make me relaxed for the day. As I pulled out a lighter and whent to grab the cigarette from the table Henry smacked my hand "*sigh* Henry we have been over this. I'm not gonna stop smoking just because you don't like it. I already cut down a lot and it just helps take the edge off alright?" Henry was highly against me smoking. He hated just about anything that was bad for me and it was annoying at times. But at the same time he's helped me a lot. I use to smoke almost a pack a day but Henry managed to cut it down to only one cigarette a day. I know it's not great but it's still a lot better. He also made me diet more. I had a bad habit of only eating one pack of crisps a day. I'm very thankful for everything Henry has done, and not just Henry. They have all improved my life I some way... Well maybe not grumpy, the only thing grumpy has done to improve my life is sex other than that he can go fuck himself. After my cigarette I headed inside to watch some TV and wait for everyone else to wake up.

tentacles X nightmare (smut)Where stories live. Discover now