grumpy's day 1/2

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Nightmare pov:

About four days after Henry was here I was woken up in the morning by Henry like normal. I sat up and saw person laying next to me "ah. That must be grumpy" I said. Henry nodded. I got out of bed and got dressed then woke him up "heh wakey wakey eggs and bakey' I said jokingly. He let out an annoyed groan "that fucks going on?" He said sitting up. He looked at me and then himself. He felt his chest and looked at his hands for a moment before looking back at me "finally your turn" I said. He paused for a minute before pinning me to the bed. I was shocked and before I could do anything he began aggressively kissing me. I whined kissing back. He forcefully shoved his tongue in my mouth and began very aggressively making out with me. I kept whining as his tongue wrapped around mine. After a few more seconds he pulled of and got off standing up "sore about that. Have been desperate to do that since sleepy was a person" he said smirking. I blushed a little "it's fine... I didn't mind it" I said looking away. He smirked at me more before going over to my draw. I got out of bed and quickly realised something, grumpy was a lot taller than me. The tip of my head was at his nose "why the fuck are you so tall" I said annoyed. He looked down at me and smirked "because I'm just better" he said. I rolled my eyes but he quickly grabbed my chin "don't roll your eyes at me. Understood?" He said in a husky voice. I felt chills down my spine "u-umm y-yes" I said. He stared at me for E few more second before letting me go and continuing to look for clothes. He pulled out a large hoodie I had that had a goat demon on the front with a bunch of cult stuff all over "oh god" I said rubbing the spot between my eyes "when did you get this?" He asked surprised "a few years back before you guys showed up. I whent through an emo phase and bought it online but the damn thing was to big" I said annoyed. He shrugged putting it to the side. He found a singlet and didn't really fit him but put the jumper on over it that fit him pretty well. Then he kept looking and found some baggy black ripped jeans. He put them on and they where to small but it just looked like tight jeans instead of baggy so it was fine. He then turned to me "how do I look?" He asked. I took a good look at him not just his clothes but everything. He had rough short spiky hair and blood red eyes. His teeth were a lot sharper than everyone else's as well. I blushed while staring "uhh hello? Earth to nightmare" he said. I realised I had been staring for a while "o-oh sorry your just... Really hot" I said staring a bit. I shook my head to snap out of it and saw Henry staring at me teasingly "fuck off Henry" he made a gurgled giggle. When I turned back grumpy was right Infront of me and bent down slightly cupping my face "so you think I'm hot~" he said in a seductive voice. My entire face turned a very bright green "I-i uhh y-yeah? I mean you are- j-just" I found myself tripping over my words. He smirked before letting my face go and standing up "let go eat" he said opening the door. I paused for a minute before taking a deep breath to calm down and following him. We whent to the kitchen with dopey waking up along the way "sup dopey" I said "did you really have to wake up?" Grumpy said. Dopey stared at grumpy angry for a second before plopping on my head like normal "I don't know how you tolerate him" grumpy said as we walked into the kitchen "maybe if you weren't such a prick and tried getting along you would know" I said a little annoyed. He seemed surprised by my out burst before just rolling his eyes "whatever.." he said annoyed. "What you want to eat?" I asked. He thought for a second "omelet?" He asked "oooh haven't had one of them in a while" I said grabbing a pan "wanna help?" I asked. He nodded "I need you to grab the eggs, milk, cheese and sausages" I said grabbing a mixer and bowl. We began making our omelets together and having a bit of a laugh. Grumpy was very helpful in making food. Once we were done we ate our food, I shared some with the tentacles a bit since they liked omelets and we headed outside for my smoke "let me try one" he said. I passed him a lit one and got another for myself. He took a puff of it "huh ain't bad" he said staring at it surprised "yep" I said casually. We both smoked our cigarettes and had a small chat. I realised Grumpy was much more mature then the other three so he was easier to talk to about relatable things. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked. He thought for a second "idk" he said Shrugging "alright... What are you interested in?" I asked. He thought again "I think the war is interesting" he said. I thought about it for a second "why not like a museum where you can see all the weapons and stuff they used?" I asked "yeah that could be fun" grumpy said. After a while we whent inside and only error was there "hey error" I said as grumpy only glance at him. Error looked at me then grumpy with shock "why is he so tall!" He yelled. I chuckled "no clue" I said Shrugging "huh. Hi I assume your grumpy?" Error asked. Grumpy simply nodded. "So we gonna talk about what we doing today?" Error asked "already did" I said. Error raised an eyebrow "well do tell" he said. I rolled my eyes "look at museums with stuff from the war" I said "damn sound... Really boring?" Error said "you guys don't have to come" I said "I ain't" error said. I continued talking to error about work stuff while grumpy stood near us. I made him a coffee and he seemed to like it so he just drank that. When everyone finally got up we told them the plan and no one wanted to come with "huh just gonna be you and me" I said turning to grumpy. He smiled at me "damn he got some sharp teeth? Impressive" horror said. Grumpy didn't answer but seemed to enjoy the compliment. We kept talking for a bit before me and grumpy finally left. We got in the car and started driving to the museum "Finally" he said "what's for you all annoyed?" I asked "I... Don't really like your them that much" he said "how come" I asked a little confused "... Don't worry about it" he said. I was a little confused but decided to drop it. We arrived at the place and walked in, payed and began looking around. There were guns, bombs, sword and all sorts of insane and cool old weapons. We joked about a few of them and just had a nice time. At one point grumpy had to go to the bathroom and I stayed outside looking at some old armour. "You like history to?" I looked over and saw a friendly looking women a little younger than me "I thinks it's cool but I came more for my boyfriend" I said "aww that sweet" she said "yeah he uhh... Just visiting the state so I wanted to do something nice with him" I said making up a lie "well he is very lucky to have you" she said. We both talked a bit and I really enjoyed talking to her she was really cool. Grumpy walked out of the bathroom came over to us "umm hello?" He said to the women "oh hello. Can I help you" she said "oh that's my boyfriend" I said "ooh pleasure to meet you" she said putting her hand out "yeah cool. Babe come on" he said ignoring her. I was about to protest but he took my arms and dragged us away. Once we were out of sight he let me go "what the hell was that!? Why were you so rude!" I said annoyed "I just... Didn't trust her" he said. We got in a small argument but decided to stop because I didn't want to argue on our only day together "how about we go for a walk through the park? The ice cream truck should be there so we can get some if you want" I said "sure that sounds fun" he said Shrugging. We left the museum and I realised we had been there for two hours "damn thats a long time" I said "yeah. Was fun tho" grumpy said as we walked out "I guess your right". The park was only a little while away from the museum so we decided to walk there instead of drive. "So what other things would you like to do?" I asked as we walked. Grumpy thought for a moment "I wanna take you to a bar" he said. I was a little surprised "really?" I said "yeah. I assume we are gonna go in a date and Id liked to take you to a bar for it" he said. I smiled "that would be nice" I nice. We got to the park and began walking around a little just enjoying ourselves. At one point someone's fog ran up to us and we pet it "I'm so sorry she got of her leash!" The owner said running after us "it's fine. She didn't cause any trouble" I said. She put a leash on the dog and thanked us before continuing "you think you would ever get a pet?" Grumpy asked "uhh not sure to be honest" I said "never thought about it" I said Shrugging. We continued walking and reached the ice cream van "what you want?" I asked "I'll just take vanilla with sprinkles" he said "alright pudding" I said. He seemed a little surprised by the nicknames but I ran to the van before he could answer "hi Dave. One chocolate covered vanilla ice cream and one sprinkle vanilla ice cream" I said "sure thing nightmare" he said making the ice creams and giving them to me "thanks Dave" I said walking back over to grumpy. He looked uncomfortable for some reason "you ok?" I asked passing him his ice cream "why did you know his name and why did he know yours?" He asked before licking his ice cream "oh Dave has worked here for years he knows everyone and everyone knows him" I said cheerfully. He seemed to calm down a little "why. Is it a problem?" I asked "umm... No I just.. sorry I'm just overthinking" he said. I smiled at him and we continued walking. After about an hour an older women came up to us "um excuse me sir" she said to me in a harsh tone "uhh is something wrong?" I asked "yes it is actually. I sew you a few days ago with another boy kissing and holding hands with them and now your doing the same thing with this young man. Would you like to explain?" She said crossing her arms. I was a little shocked and got annoyed "why is that any of your business" I said "well it just seems like your cheating" she said. I could tell grumpy was getting really angry "don't talk to him like that and stay out of our fucking business" he said "oh so you knew about it? And your just cheating on that poor boy without a care in the world?" She asked "it's not like that- that's his brother" I said pointing to grumpy "oh so your cheating on him with his brother! You people fucking disgust me" she said angrily. Group got really angry "how about you keep your fucking mouth shut and fuck off. Haven't you got anything better to do than police us on our life choices?" He said "mam the other boy knows about it. It's a Polyamorous relationship" I said "oh? Then call the other boy and let him explain it" she said. I was stuck since Henry couldn't exactly pick up a phone and talk to us "u-umm well.. I can't do that because..." I couldn't think of a good excuse "because it's a lie and your cheating on him. How about you stop being a coward and tell him what a horrible person you really are for cheating on him with his brother!" She said. Grumpy got extremely angry. I looked over and he lifted his hand about to slap her. Before he did I quickly grabbed his hand "grumpy! Enough" I said. He was breathing heavily and you could see the rage in his eyes "you were going to hit me! You mon-" I quickly cut her off "mam. I understand your worries about my boyfriend but I will not be changing my life style for your comfortability and will not be standing here being insulted by some random old hag who can't keep her mouth shut. Now if you'll excuse me I have a date to get to" I said taking grumpy's hand and speed walking away. She yelled at us a bit but we began to run to the car. Once we made it we took a break panting "wow you handled that really well?" Grumpy said amazed "and you handled that terribly" I said crossing my arms "can you blame me! The bitch was talking shit!" He said annoyed. I sighed "come in let's go for a drive to call of and then go in out date" I said.


Oooh drama. I have a lot planned for the next one so be ready~ hope you all enjoyed.

(17 July)

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