sleepy's day 1/2(fluff)

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Nightmare pov:

I slowly woke up to a weird feeling on my tentacle. I sat up to look and saw a... Person cuddled up to my tentacle!? I jumped out of bed terrified. I picked them up by the throat waking them up "who are you" I said in a low stern voice. They looked around confused. I threw them at the wall angrily. They fell to the ground and looked around before looking at themselves with a look of shock. They started admiring their hands and legs "I asked you a fucking question" I said annoyed. They looked up at me and smiled "your hot when your mad~" I got angry and was about to attack them again "my name's sleepy. Normally I sleep in your pocket or on your shoulder but I'd like to sleep anywhere right now I'm tired as hell" he said standing up. My eyes adjusted to the dark and I got a good look at them. They weren't skeleton and didn't look like any monster I had ever seen? They didn't have cloths but didn't have any genitals either. Everything was covered in goop, actually their entire body was made of goop? They had elf like ears and hair that looked like anime hair but tentacles that acted the same as hair. Their hair was just under their ears and the back was at their neck. Their hair was a mess tbh. They had big green eyes. They continued to look at themselves but I didn't believe for a second this was sleepy "if your really sleepy... What happened at the party last week?" I asked. They looked at me and smiled "ink kissed and we got mad so we gave you the punishment you deserved~ you should've seen yourself after, such a pretty mess~" he said licking his lip. I see he had sharp yellow teeth with a long serpent like tongue. I blushed at his response and relaxed letting my guard down "sleepy? The fucks going in here. What are you how are yo-" I began asking a million questions confused as hell "can we talk in the morning? I'm tired" he said walking over to the bed. I sighed deciding it was probably a good idea and got into be. We both snuggled under the covers and sleepy looked really happy. I stared at him as he snuggled into the cover. He had his eyes shut closed and the tip of his tongue out with smile. I blushed slightly seeing him... He looked oddly cute? "... Lemme try somthin" I said shuffling over. I layed on my back and picked him and a bit laying his head on my chest. I stroked his hair and kissed his forehead. He made a little giggling noise snuggling into me "this is nice" he said. I chuckled slowly falling asleep.

The next morning I was woken up to a harsh smack round the face "ow! What!" I sat up and saw all three tentacles staring at me with rage. Grumpy had spikes appearing on his surface and so did dopey but Henry looked like he was crying slightly "woah guys what's going on?" I asked. Grumpy slapped me again but dopey pulled him and and pointed to sleepy. I looked a bit confused and realised they thought it was someone random, they were jealous and hurt by it. I felt really bad "wait- it's not what you think" I said sitting up properly. Grumpy looked like he was gonna slap me again but henry stopped him and let me speak "this is gonna sound insane but... That's sleepy" I said rubbing the back of my neck. They paused before dopey slapped me round the face "ow! Stop slapping me! And it is. I didn't believe it either! He just appeared in my bed lest night and I almost strangled him to death. But he told me about what happened at the party and I believed it" I said holding my hands up. It looked like dopey and Henry were thinking about it but grumpy didn't believe me at all and looked even angrier. Just as he was gonna slap me again a hand stopped him "grumpy call down I'm trying to fucking sleep" sleepy said tiredly. They turned their attention to him and began gurgling at him. Grumpy and dopey looked like they might attack him "guys it's me sleepy! Nightmare isn't cheating relax" he said. When I heard him say that I was a little shocked. I never really thought of it as cheating because I never really looked at us as a couple... I didn't really know what we were actually. They continued to gurgle at him and he was struggling to convince them "sleepy tell them about the party" he explained the party in a little more detail than he did me and made a few comments that caused me to blush and all three tentacles calmed down. Henry quickly came over and wrapped round me hugging me. Dopey did the same and grumpy patted me on the head "aww it's ok guys. I know why you where upset" I said scratching them. Sleepy layed back down putting a hand over his eyes "fuck why am I so tired" sleepy asked "idk" I said bluntly. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 6:30. "C'mon let get up" I said throwing my blanket off. I sat up and and heard an annoyed grumble behined me "do we haaaave to. In tiirrrred" sleepy said. I rolled my eyes standing up and taking my shirt of shorts off. I noticed sleepy staring and chuckled "you have a staring problem" I said grabbing a different shirt from the draw "I always stare" he said oblivious "that'd why you have a staring problem" I said continuing to get dressed. He stood up and came over leaning against me. I realised he was actually slightly smaller than me. At my nose "pfft- shortie" I said rapping and arm around him. I could tell he was surprised by my motions but seemed to like it. I thought for a second before having an idea "you wanna see what it's like to make out?" I asked. He looked up at me excited. I chuckled grabbing his chin. I slowly leaned in and kissed him normally. He seemed a little confused how to react but soon started copying my movements. We began a sweet kiss untill I bit his lip. Again he seemed confused. I found it amusing and pulled away "open you mouth" I said before kissing him again. He slowly opened his mouth and I shoved my tongue in. This part he wasn't to bad at since he had done it as a tentacle before. We both made out for a few minutes before pulling away for air "wow... That's amazing" he said smiling. I chuckled before letting him go "your a really good kisser" I said looking for some clothes in my brew "us think do?" He asked leaning against the draw "positive" I said pulling out one of my smallest shirt I had. It was an old one and was a purple colour with a big black moon in the middle. I threw it at sleepy and he looked confused "uhhh?" He said staring at it then me "it's for you to wear" I said gesturing to his naked body. He looked down "oh- right. Heh" he said pulling the shirt over his head. It was a little big for him but still was ok. I was surprised when the goop didn't completely cover his shirt and you could still see it perfectly. I ignored it and looked for some short not bothering to get boxers since he didn't have genitals so there wasn't much of a point. I got some normal black short with white stripes down the sides and gave it to him. He put then on without a problem and we both left for the kitchen.

Sleepy sat at the table and layed his head down thirdly. I chuckled starting to make us both noodles. I pushed his plate Infront of him and sat down with my own plate. He looked up a little surprised "I get my own food?" He asked "I mean you would starve to death if you didn't" I said. He had a look of realisation "oh yeeaaaah. Thanks" he said picking the fork up and starting to eat. His eyes glowed when he tasted the food "this is amazing!" He said. I chuckled continuing to eat. The other tentacles kept inspecting sleepy. He seemed to not really care and let them. Once we finished our food sleepy layed his head in my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around him rubbing his shoulder. After a few more seconds I stopped "come on let's go outside. I need a cigarette" I said standing up. He followed me out to bench and we sat down as I pulled a cigarette and lighter out. As I began to smoke he gave me a curious look "wanna try it?" I asked holding the cigarette between two fingers out to him. Henry gurgled at me but I ignored it. Sleepy hesitated but took the cigarette and took a deep breath of it. He quickly moved it away and began coughing like crazy. I began petting his back and took the cigarette back "you ok?" I asked worried "how is that what your addicted to!?!?" He asked. I chuckled. Grumpy made a gurgling sound at sleepy. I gave him an angry look and he stopped. I finished my cigarette and we headed inside. To fined horror and killer were already awake and getting breakfast. They looked at me and sleepy confused "who the fuck is that?" Horror asked "uhh umm... Sleepy?" I said with an awkward smile. They looked even more confused "the fuck you mean it's sleepy?" Killer asked. I sighed "listen Im not sure really. I woke up and he was in my bed and when I attacked him he told me he was sleepy and told me something only sleepy would know" I said. They looked a little sceptical "what did he say?" They asked. I blushed slightly and started stuttering "bout the time we fucked him at the part-" I quickly covered his mouth with a huge blush across my face "SLEEPY!" I yelled. He licked my hand and I retracted it quickly glaring at him. Killer and horror began to laugh "they fucked you at the party!?" Killer asked "where and why??" Horror asked. I stood there a blushing mess "well ink kissed him and we all got really angry and jealous. Then he ran to the bathroom locking the door and hiding in a stall. We all got angry and gave him a form of 'punishment' for it" sleepy said casually. My entire face and a bit of my neck turned a bright cyan as horror and killer laughed. Dopey and grumpy made their laughing gurgle noises and Henry nuzzled my neck comforting me. "Ugh can we just move on" I asked annoyed.

A few hours whent by and we all were just talking waiting for everyone else to wake up. When they did we explained the situation with sleepy and thought about what we could do with him today since it was his first day as a person. "I'm fine with anything that doesn't involve moving" sleepy said laying in the table "definitely sleepy" error said jokingly "hmm what if we walk around outertale with sleepy and show him the place then have a movie night?" Killer asked "hmm that could be fun" sleepy said opening on eye. I nodded "wouldn't you wanna take sleepy in a date? Since this is like your only chance to" horror asked. I was court of guard by the question. I blushed a bit and rubbed my neck. I still didn't know what I thought of the relationship to be honest and didn't know if that was the sort of thing we would do? "Are you guys even in a relationship?" Dust said. Me and the tentacles looked at each other "I've... Never really thought about it. I don't know if what we have if like that.." I said looking at them. "I mean a couple would be the best way to discribe your relationship with them right?" Error asked "how so" I asked. "You have sex all the time, spend every waking moment together. Don't let each other see other people. Are extremely affectionate" error said pointing out a finger for each thing he said. I looked at all the tentacles and blushed "I mean i guess you have a point" I said "do you even like us that way?" Sleepy asked hopeful. They all seemed eager for an answer and I realised they wanted to be in a relationship because they did like me that way. My blush grew and I felt stupid for not realising sooner. After a few seconds of thinking I smiled "yeah... I guess I do see you that way" I said. Henry and grumpy nuzzled me while dopey layed on my head. Sleepy smiled at me and I held is hand "*sniff* you guys are to wholesome" killer said tearing up "are you fuckin crying?" Dust asked "it's a natural emotion!" Killer yelled. They continued arguing as I looked into sleepy's eyes "so would you wanna go on a date?" I asked. He smiled at me sweetly "of course I would" he got up and kissed me on the head. Error finally got them to stop arguing by saying "so! Go for a walk and look around outertale, come home and watch some movies then you two are going on a date maybe?" He asked. Everyone looked at us. I nodded my head "great! Where you guys going?" Killer asked "I'll figure something out" I said standing up "let's chill for an hour before going to outertale" I said walking to the kitchen door.


Finally figured their feelings out! I'm proud of him. Hope you enjoyed!

(15 July)

tentacles X nightmare (smut)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant