come back (angst/fluff)

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Nightmare pov:

After the fight with grumpy he left for a while. I thought he would be back in an hour or so but by the time I was going to bed he still hadn't come back. The other tentacles were a bit worried to "... Ugh I shouldn't have said that to him. I'm such an idiot, he was just angry it's not his fault" Henry, dopey and sleepy comforted me and I sit on my bed with my knees to my chest. I looked down at the bandages around my arm from when he cut me "he's never lashed out at me before..." I thought back to when he attacked me and how angry and scary he looked. I started freaking myself out slightly and sleepy hung around the back of my neck to calm me down "heh... Thanks sleepy" I said petting him. I began petting all of them to calm myself and them down. It hadn't been an easy day for then either. They had error yelling horrible things at them and then their friend lash out. It must have been awful. "You guys are amazing. Don't listen to anything error said" I told them. I wanted to give them a little affection to make them feel better and it seemed like it was working. They all were making a gurgling purr as I told them how great they are and how much I appreciate them. I hoped grumpy could hear my words and know I ment them for him too. He was always angry but I knew he really cared about me. He could be insanely overprotective and I thought it was annoying but it's just because he cares about me and wants me to be ok. I really don't give him enough love... I began to feel insanely guilty for the way I had treated grumpy. I always looked at it as I'm stuck to them and I have to out up with it but i realised they are also stuck to me and can't do anything because of me. We are all in the same situation and it's not just me that suffered from it. Although my life is fine now I'm not sure if theirs is. I'm happy and content with life I have my four tentacles and I love them but I'm not sure if they are happy being stuck to me. Do I give them enough free will? Question flooded my head as I felt more and more guilty untill I felt dopey slap me around the face. I looked up to see all three looking at me worried. They sensed my guilt and got really worried about me. I put my hand out petting them again "I'm so sorry for everything..." I said tearing up. I began to sob as they all comforted me and cuddled me. They layed me down covering us with a blanket and continued to comfort me as I slowly cried apologizing for everything. After a while I had managed to cry myself to sleep. In the morning I was woken up by... Sleepy? I was a little surprised to see him since normally he sleeps till midday. I sat up realising all three were awake. I looked around to see pens from my desk all over the bed and different pieces of paper "what's all this?" He asked. Slowly dopey came over with a piece of paper. I took it and looked at it realising they had tried drawing on it. They were terrible at drawing and could barely make a straight line but on the paper were three scribbled hearts. I looked up to see all of them staring at me seeming happy. I smiled hugging all three tightly "aww! Thank you guys so much. I love it" I said tearing up slightly. They all gurgled happily rapping around me for a hug. After our hug I stood up and put the picture on my desk "there now I'll always see it" they all made little happy gurgles at it nuzzling my head. I started getting dressed, cleaned all the pens off my bed and headed for the kitchen. Everyone was still asleep as usual so I decided to make something special for everyone "what do you guy think of helping me make pancakes for everyone?" I asked. Henry gurgled nodding and dopey wiggled in the air as usual, sleepy crawled in my pocket showing he wanted nothing to do with us "heh alright I can live with only two helpers" I said grabbing a bowl. We all began making the pancakes and I even taught them how to flip a pancake. After we finished we set up four plates with three pancakes on each for everyone. I got mine and sat at the table beginning or eat. Dopey came over and nudged me "hmm? You want some" the tentacles didn't need to eat food but they still liked to sometimes because of the taste. I tore a piece of and gave it to dopey. They couldn't eat like normal what they did instead was absorb it into themselves. Dopey 'ate' the piece of pancake and wiggled around after to show he was happy. Then Henry came over and so did sleepy. I shared some of my pancakes with them and after finishing whent to clean my plate. I realised grumpy hadn't woken up yet and I started getting worried. Normally he would be awake by now but he still hadn't... What if he doesn't come back? I began getting anxious and Henry managed to snap me out of my thoughts "heh thanks Henry" I said. K out my plate on the rack and whent outside. Instead of just sitting at the table I whent over to the swing we had in the garden. I didn't go there to often because it was mostly killers swing but i whent there when I needed to relax and just settle my thoughts. I sat on the swing and pulled a cigarette and lighter out. I lit the cigarette and began to smoke it while rocking back and forth. There where all sorts of plants around us that dopey liked to get stuck in. Next to is was a grape tree, behined us was a banana tree and the other side of me and a small cubby house that we slept in sometimes. Henry slither up the rope holding us beginning to swing it. I was a little started but when I realised what he was doing I lifted my feet and began licking back and forth. The tentacles enjoyed swinging in the swing. Especially grumpy. It was the only time he didn't look like he was in a huge mood with everyone. After one cigarette I checked to see if Henry was looking. He was busy messing with the rope and swing around. I quickly pulled a second cigarette out and lit it. I know I said I only smoke one a day but I was stressed out and thought I'd let myself have two. Just as I started smoking the second one Henry noticed and came down slapping my hand "hey- I'm sorry I know I shouldn't but I'm stressed out. Just this one and I'm done ok?" He was still annoyed but dopey pulled him away and let me smoke. I continued to smoke as we swang back and forth. Sleepy came down after a while and layed in my lap. He reminded me a lot of a cat at times. I slowly stroked him getting a cute little gurgled purr out of him. We all continued to swing for a couple of hours just relaxing and listening to music on my phone. Eventually the others woke up and came outside to check in me "Heya boss" dust said with the others behined him "hey guys. You see the pancakes in the side?" I asked "yeah they where really good!" Horror said smiling "horror took a bite out of mine!" Killer yelled annoyed "oh that was me" error said "wha- you asshole!" Killer said annoyed "both of you shut up" dust said rubbing the space between his eyes. "Glad to see error is back to his normal self" I said chuckling "yep... I uhh wanted to apologise to you and the tentacles for what I said yesterday... I didn't mean any of it I was just angry" he said looking at the ground. I smiled at him "I forgive you. I'm not sure about the others tho" the tentacles shared glances. Henry and sleepy nodded but dopey didn't really move "dopey you ok?" I asked. He moved away and his behined my head. I sighed "don't worry he just needs a little time" I said. Error shared a smile to us. Everyone sat around the swing and we started talking about random stuff. After a while horror brand up a story about grumpy that always made us laugh but I didn't laugh. I remembered grumpy and realised it was almost the end of the day and he still wasn't here "boss you ok?" Killer asked "hmm. Yeah just thinking" I said "is it about grumpy?" Dust asked. I looked down a bit sad "don't worry he'll come around" horror said. I smiled as we continued to talk.

The next day came and grumpy still didn't show. I waited hoping he would come back but the next day came and then the next and then the next untill it had been a full week. I had because extremely upset and didn't want to do anything. I kept blaming myself for him leaving. The words "I wish you would just disappear" replayed in my head over and over. I kept having nightmares about when I yelled at him and waking up in the brink of tears. But I held it in. I refused to let myself cry just saying to myself he would come back. Sleepy dopey and Henry were trying to keep me cheered up but where also sad themselves. I noticed they became more anxious and tired a lot of the time. On the end of the week on the last day as I whent back to bed I couldn't hold it anymore. I completely broke down. I sat down against my door and cried loudly begging him to come back. The others kept comforting me but I couldn't stop crying. I began to hyperventilate and shaking repeating over and over "please don't leave me please don't leave me" I felt broken and vulnerable. I just wanted to have him back. I wanted to hug and and tell him how much I appreciate him and how much I missed him and I was so scared I never would. As I cried I ended up blurting out "I'm sorry for everything! Your so important to me I can't do this without you! I love you" I continued to cry untill I felt a tap on the shoulder when I looked up I sew... "Grumpy?" I asked in disbelief. Before I could say anything grumpy whent into my chest and layed his head on my shoulder squeezing me tightly. I rapped my arms around him and hugged him protectively never wanting to let go. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I cried into him saying sorry over and over and telling him everything I had wanted to say. I squeezed him very tightly never wanting to let him go. I begged him never to leave me again. He moved and looked at me. I could see the same black liquid coming of him that I sew only he others. He nuzzled into my cheek and neck. I kept hugging him and tried to calm myself down. Once I had stopped crying I looked back at him. All the other tentacles were crying to coming over and hugging grumpy. I smiled at them all "I love you guys" I said rubbing my eyes. They all cuddled me and nuzzled into my neck and cheek. I pet them all hugging them tightly promising to never let anything hurt them again.


Yay grumpy is back! I legit started feeling like I was gonna cry writing this. Hope you enjoyed

(12 July)

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