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"Got it. We got it," Mia calls from her spot at the computer, since she was waiting on Tego and Santos to connect to the police stations parking garage camera feed.
"Yeah, we're looking at four cameras," Brian says from his spot beside her as the team starts to gather around.
"Yo, that's some high end shit, too," Han says as he looks at the cameras. "Marker optics. Hundred degree field of view. Ten seconds oscillation."
"Yeah, that's a narrow window, man," Vince says in agreement.
"Can't we just tap in and replace the image?" Gisele asks as she looks at Tej.
"No, it's hooked into a digital sync. They would know we were in the system. The best we can do is peek," Tej answers her as he shakes his head.
"We're going to need some real fast cars to get through this," Roman says as they watch the cameras.
"Not just fast. You got a hard right and a hairpin. We're going to need something agile," Letty explains before looking at Dom.
"You guys mock up a track," Dom orders before looking at Vince and Brian. "O'Conner. Lets go get some cars. Vince, show us the way."
"Nice," Brian says with a smile as he and Vince high-five before they leave.

Letty is talking with Gisele and Mia on the couch while drinking a beer before Dom pulls into the hide out with Brian behind him.
"Lets see what they got," Gisele tells Mia and Letty from their spot on the couch before they stand up. Roman starts laughing as Dom, Vince, and Brian get out of the cars.
"Really? Where did you get that from?" Roman questions Brian as he checks out the car. "Papa Smurf?"
"I told you that there would be jokes," Vince says with a shrug while Brian playfully glares at him and Roman.

The next morning, Brian is about to try his car on the track that they had set up once again.
"Okay, O'Conner, Give it your best shot," Dom says over the walkie from his spot beside Letty and Mia. Brian races through track, causing Letty to frown as he is still caught by the cameras.
"How was that one?" Brian asks as he gets out of his car.
"Camera caught you," Han answers him with a shrug.
"What?" Brian asks as he closes his door before walking towards them.
"Yeah, it still caught you," Letty answers him with a sigh as she walks over to the stairs. "I think it's starting to show that I'm the better driver."
"Man, I was milking the hell out of that thing, too," Brian says as he walks up the stairs before playfully nudging Letty.
"We're gonna need a faster car," Dom says as he walks over to them. Over the next few days, each of the team members, besides Mia, go to the race where Dom races to get everyone a car.

Once everyone has a car, Tego is the first one to try the track before he crashes, causing everyone to laugh.
"This is exactly why your ass ain't been driving," Roman yells in a teasing tone, causing Letty to laugh and shake her head. Tej tries the track before Santos and Roman try the track with each of them getting caught by the cameras. Gisele tries the track and is barely caught by the cameras.
"I think I'm in love," Han says as Gisele drifts to a stop, causing Letty and Dom to share a smirk.
"Vince, you're up," Dom orders before Vince gets into position. Dom tells him to go over the walkie before he races through the track with ease but is still caught.
"That was real solid work," Roman says as Vince gets out of his car, causing Vince to smirk. "But the camera still caught you."
"Damn," Vince says as he frowns while shaking his head. "This shit isn't going to be easy."

Han and Dom were able to get a exact replica of the vault from a friend in the Dominican Republic, so Tego and Santos are unboxing it.
"That's the piggy bank you ordered," Tego says as Han and Brian move the door off the crate.
"You're kidding me," Tej says as he looks at the vault in shock. "Where in the hell did y'all get one of these?"
"Well, we had a life before you met us," Han answers him with a shrug.
"All right, I will get to work on the electronic tumbler but there's still another problem," Tej says as he walks over to the vault. "Palm scanner. And without Reyes' handprint, Houdini himself couldn't open this bitch."
"How do you know it's Reyes' handprint?" Santos asks him with a raised eyebrow.
"You got a $100 million in a safe. You going to put somebody else's handprint on it?" Letty asks him back with a "really" look. Tego and Santos start arguing, causing everyone to laugh.
"How are we supposed to get Reyes' handprint?" Roman asks as he shakes his head, causing Letty to look at Dom to see if he has something planned.
"Han. You're up," Dom orders with a nod.
"Sure. Nothing like the easy stuff," Han says with a smirk as he starts to walk towards his car while Letty notices Gisele watching Han.
"I'd snatch him up while you can," Letty whispers to Gisele, who quickly stands up straight with a slight blush.
"Let's go. I'll drive," Gisele says as she leads the way to her car, causing Letty and Dom to high-five.

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