Chapter one - The beginnings and a fathers death

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Gol. D. Roger was pacing in his ship. His wife. Amaya. Was in labor. She was giving birth to there child. His friend and first mate Rayleigh sat on the railing of the ship. Rayleigh looked at his captain and right when he went to speak. The screaming stoped. And. A cry of a baby was heard. But then. The sound of rushing came from the room. After what felt like an hour but was really a few minutes. Crocus. The ships doctor came out. Holding a baby rapped in a blanket with him. But he had a grim look on his face. Rogers stomach sunk. "The baby is fine. But. The mother." Crocus sight. "I'm sorry Captain. But. Amaya died during child birth." The world froze for Roger. His head spinning. But her was snapped out of it when he heard a cry. His head snapped into the direction of the baby.
"C-can I see it?" His voice came out quiet. Like he was scared of scaring her.
"It's a girl." Was all Crocus said as he handed the girl to her father. Roger held her carefully as if he was scared of hearting her. The baby instantly stoped crying. Her hand reached up to her father.
"She. She looks just like her Mother. Name. We never talked about names." Roger sat on the railing next to his friend. "Gol. D. Amaya. We can call her May for short." The baby giggled and looked at the man next to her father. She had Snow White hair and blue eye that seemed to change there shades of color.

A now five year old Amaya held a gun in her hands. Ignoring her father and focusing forward. She shot the gun. She hit the target spot on. She giggled and jumped up and down laughing. A smile exactly like her fathers on her face. Roger then scooped up the girl and laughed with her. The crew smiled at the pair.

A seven year old Amaya was running through the ship. Looking for two certain boys. One had red hair and wore a straw hat. While the other had blue hair and a big red nose. She came to a stop and hid. She looked over to see Shanks pulling Buggy onto the ship. She gasped and ran over to the two. Calling out for the crew and her father.

A eight year old Amaya sat next to her father, Whitebeard who kept smiling at her, and an Oden. She giggled when her father picked her up and put her in his lap. Holding her close. Amaya ignored the conversation.

Amaya sprinted into her fathers office and looked at him. She walked over to him and help his hand. Looking at him in worry as he coughed. When he noticed her he only smiled at her. Luna sighed at him and he laughed and pulled her close. Kissing her on the forehead. She simply help him closer.

A nine year old Amaya Sobbed. She was being held by a marine named Garp. He had chased her father for years. Yet. He protected her. He was taking care of her. Amaya's arms reached out for her father. She was about to scream for him. But. He spoke. He told them of the one piece. Amaya didn't care about that. She only wanted her father. She wanted her family. She wanted to be free. To be strong. She wanted to be strong like her Dad. She wanted to love and be loved like Papa Newgate. She wanted to be as loyal as her Uncle Ray-ray. She wanted to be as Brave as her Uncle Oden. Her sobs were getting quieter. But they instantly stoped and were replaced with shock at her fathers next words. "I. I only have one regret. And. That is not getting to see my daughter grow into the strong woman that I know she will be. My daughter is the only person I will kneel to and for. So. My little princess please. Be strong for me. And never kneel. No matter what never kneel. Be free. Be strong. Be brave. Remember my dear. I love you." Amaya sobbed at that. She wanted to scream to him. She wanted to scream the four simple words back. But. Her voice wouldn't allow her to do so. So. She whispered them.
"I love you too" her voice died and broke at the end. But. By the smile on his face. Luna knew that he heard her. Just like how she heard the word that not even the guards could. She had strained her hakki to hear him. But. She did.
"You are so strong. So brave. My Amaya. Become free from the government." Luna's grip tightened on the two things in her hands. One was a dagger. It was blue and gold colored. A diamond in the middle of it. Her father had it made for her. In her other hand was a sword. It was her mothers. This one was silver and dark blue. It was a Katana. A gift from her mothers father to her mother. And know. It belong to Amaya.

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Amaya held Garp's hand

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Amaya held Garp's hand. She didn't know nor care where they were. Until. She heard a baby cry. Her head snapped up. Then. Realization hit her. There were at Rouge's home her younger half sibling has just been born. Amay let go of Garp's hand and ran to the door. Running in. She looked at Rouge. Then. To her sibling. She walked over. Rouge gave the nine year old Amaya her little brother. Amaya looked at him and smiled. Her first smile since her father died. "What's his name?" She didn't look at Rouge. Only at her brother.
"Ace." Amaya cut the rest of the conversation out. All her attention on her baby's brother.
"Ace." Amaya smiled at the boy. Polling him closer to her. "I'll always protect you." She meant it. She'll burn down the world for him. She'll face the world government for him. Fuck. She'll fight an emperor of the sea for him. But. As a result of him being born. She locked up and held away all her bad emotions. Which will result in a short temper.

The Seven Sinners of the SeaΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα