Chapter Five - Saving Ace and the War

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Anaya swam. She swam as fast and hard as she could. Waves and currents were created with how fast she was going. She didn't even care that the world knew who she was know. She didn't care that she had an even bigger target on her back. She didn't care that she might be swimming right to her death. Her baby brother. Her baby brother. Her baby brother. Her baby brother. Her baby brother. Was to be executed for her, her fathers, and her fathers crews sins. He was didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve her. No. She didn't deserve him. He was a child. Being being feared for who his family was. He was a child. He was her child. She raised him until he was eight. She watched over him from a distance. That was the real reason she never set out to the grand line. She was watching over her baby brother.

Amaya stopped. Right in front of her was a ship. Not just any ship. A marine ship. Coming from impel down. It might be Ace. She swam up to look at it. Luffy? She smiled and jumped up. Transforming into her true form. She landed on the ship wright in front of Luffy. But. Her smile was replaced with a sharp glare at him. Her voice came out harsh and demanding. The voice her father used when Shanks and Buggy did something they should not have. "Why the fuck are you on a marine ship coming from impel down! Huh. Luffy!" She ignored the the stiffened prisoners. Her eyes zeroed in on her baby brother.
"No excuse Luffy." She growled out and only sighed. "I'm not going to scold you because you were only doing the same thing I was planing on doing. Look like I was to late." Just then she caught the sight of familiar blue hair. And. A familiar big red nose. Her head snapped into the direction. Buggy flinched. When she was about to speak the snail went off. She was the one to answer it. Pushing Luffy away and covering his mouth. So he doesn't say anything stupid. She stiffened at what she heard. She hung up. Then it rand again. She allowed answer. It. Her attention know zeroed in on a certain clown.

Amaya walked over to Buggy. She stood in front of him. "How the fuck did you get caught." He flinched. But she continued. "You were trained by dads whole crew and fought in the battle against Rocks. So. What the fuck happened to cause you to get caught. You know what never mind. I. Don't. Wanna. Here. A. Sap. Story. Right. Know." She went to turn around but stoped and looked at buggy. "Let's have a drink some time. To. Ya know. Catch up. I haven't seen you in twenty years. Not. A. Date." She then walked away.

Amaya. Well. Amaya cussed. Her idiotic baby brother did indeed break the ice. But. On the wrong fucking side. As the were plummeting to the sea. Amaya cussed and. Controlled the ice. Melting the but that was falling with them. And used it to set them down gently. "YOUR FUCKING WELCOME!" She screamed. "YOU BUNCH OF IDIOTS! THATS WHAT YOU ALL ARE!" The older Whitebeard pirates heads snapped into there direction. That voice was familiar. The sight made them all laugh. There Amaya was. Shacking Luffy back and forth screaming blood murder at him. Flashed backs of Rayleigh doing the same to Roger flashed in there head whole Elizabeth sighed. And also screamed at her captain.
"CAPTAIN! DON'T BE A FUCKING HYPOCRITE!" Amaya looked over at her first mate dropping her brother and jumping next to her. Screaming.

Amaya was deathly quiet. The calm before the storm. Her crew was separated. All fighting there own opponents. Amaya dug her feet into the ground. But. Stoped her self. Turned to the ocean. And dived in at the same exact time Luffy did. And. Shot out of the ocean. Everything was going supper fast know. She was fighting all three admirals. They continued like this. Until. Amaya cut off Kizaru's arm. And. Surrounded it by the ocean. It and the wound. When he was finally able to escape the water. His wound was already healed. And. His arm was rotten. He lost his arm. For good. He glared at the female. Who simply punched him in the nose with a hakki covered arm. With her scales covering her arm as well. She looked to her left and saw her baby. Brothers. She smiled. Luffy had gotten to Ace. She screamed out there names then pointed to there ears. Getting the warning they covered there ears. And. Amaya used her siren shriek. Which was embedded with conquers hakki. Bursting or knocking marines out. She then sprinted to her brothers. She was again. Protecting them.

Amaya jumped into the direction of her brothers and Akainu. Elizabeth doing the same. Elizabeth tackled Luffy. The two went flying over to the ship of Law. Followed by Jimbei. While Amaya tackled Ace. But. She was hit. So. She through Ace in the direction of Law as well screaming at her crew to go and protect her brothers. They did just that Grabbing there ship and jumping onto Laws ship. At the same time. Amaya let out a sharp shriek of pain. She went flying and hit a wall. She hit the wall head first. She had had her right hand stretched out to Ace. Pushing him forward. As a result. It got burned off by Akainu. She gripped what was left of her arm as blood flowed out of it. She was glaring at the man. Blood coming from a wound on her head. She held her mothers sword once again. Hannya glowed with her anger and pain. Her eyes zeroed in on Akainu. So. She lunged at him. Coating her whole body in hakki. Water collected at her right side. Well. What was left of it. Then scales covered it. Making a new arm for her to use. She through her katana to that hand and pulled out her dagger.

Amaya was panting. She was still. Blood poring out of her like a River. It was pooling at her feet. She was currently playing decoy with Whitebeard. Who. Was standing dead. Tears poring out of her eyes. The last parent figure she had was dead. She glared at Akainu and Blackbeard both has just told her to kneel. One said surrender and live while the other said join and follow me. "I. Will fulfill my fathers final wishes for me. I WILL DIE OF OLD AGE. I WILL NEVER KNEEL! I WILL BECOME THE FREEST WOMAN TO LIVE! I WILL BE MORE FREE THEN MY FATHER! I WILL BE AS BRAVE AND STRONG AS UNCLE ODEN! I WILL LOVE AND BE AS LOVED AS PAPA NEWGATE! AND WHEN I DIE, I WILL BE HAPPY, I WILL SMILE, I WILL TELL DEATH THAT I AM READY, I WILL SMILE AT DEATH AS HE TAKES ME TO MY FINALE RESTING PLACE, AND, I WILL TELL MY PARENTS THAT I DIED HAPPY, FREE, AND WHEN I DIE I WILL BE IN THE HISTORY BOOK, AS A VILLAIN OR A HERO I DON'T CARE BECAUSE I WILL HAVE BEEN FREE, MY NANE WILL LEAVE AN EVEN BIGGER IMPRINT THEN MY FATHERS! DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?! IT'S BECAUSE UNLIKE MY PARENT I AM THE EMBODIMENT OF THE SEA I AM THE SEA AND THE SEA IS ME!" The sea rose with her words. The cloud darkened. The earth shook. Her eyes turned into a dark blue. Like the sea when it stormed. Her hair flew up. Defying gravity. She and the Whitebeard know sinner pirates under the order of Whitebeard were the only ones left. Her brothers were on Amazon lily. Her brother had his hat.

Right when Akainu went to finish off Amaya. A boy saved her. Then. Shanks saved him. Amaya sighed in relief. The war was stoped by Shanks. Wait. What. Amaya snapped her eyes opened and shirked. "WHAT!?" Everyone flinched at her scream. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME! HERE I AM! LATTERLY FIGHTING TO THE DEATH THEN THIS MOTHR FUCKER SHOWS UP AND YOI STOP THE BLOODY WAR. I MEAN YEAH BOTH SIDES HAVE LOST A LOT BUT REALLY!" Shanks went to go speak "SHUT YOUR ASS UP. WERE THE FUCK WERE YOU ANYWAYS. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO HELPING ME PROTECT MY FAMILY! AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY YOU WERE BUSY! BUSY MY ASS! I SWAR TO ANY DEITY OUT THERE THAT WILL LISTEN TO ME IF YOU AND BUGGY DINT GET YOU SHIT TOGETHER ILL FUCKING KILL YOU BOTH MY SELF!" Her head snapped into the direction of buggy. She was running off of our adrenaline right know. "YOU FUCKING HEAR ME BUGGY!" She was going to continue. But. Her adrenaline wore off and she passed out. Shanks caught her and sighed.
"She's so much like Captain that it's scary. And. She's as crazy as him know. No. More crazy then him. May any god, demon, or deity out there help us all." With that the war ended with a knew fear of a whit haired, blue eyed, pale skinned, siren, pirate princess, wrathful, and copy of Roger female named Gol. D. Amaya.

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