Were Moving?

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Its been a couple days since the boys decided where they are moving all they had to do is tell Presley. She was currently playing on her Ipad and watching tv.
Percy sits next to her "hey baby were gonna go get some ice cream ok?"
"YAYYYY" she says as she hugs him
"Lets get in the car baby" he says ushering her outside
She gets in the car and they drive to the ice cream place
"So sweetie what do you want" he says
"Chocolate please" she says
"Theres like 20 flavors and you want chocolate?" he says chuckling
"Yup" She says
He chuckles and buys the ice cream
"So kiddo" he says holding her hand walking to there favorite spot.
"Ya Percy" Presley says
"I have something to tell you" he says sitting down on the rocks "here sit ok?"
They sat down on a bunch of huge rocks by a beach that looks out to the ocean.
"What is it" She says
"Well, first I want you to hear me out, you mite get a little upset but it's only for your best intrest-"
"Were moving next week I know" she says sighing
"You knew? How?" He says
"I heard Preston and Pierce talking, I can't believe you didn't tell me" she says rolling her eyes
"Honey I just knew u would be upset, I wanted to ease you into it, I needed to get everything ready to move ok?" He says placing her on his lap

Presley POV
"I didn't wanna leave my friends, Why are we moving" I say tearing up
"Believe me honey I wouldn't if we didn't have to its just an adult problem don't worry its only 1hr away, we can visit all ur friends anytime and you can facetime them."
I sigh "fine, where are we moving at least" I say
"I bought a house a hour away you will love it and you will get a new room" he says as I smile
"A new room? im not upset anymore it's okay" I say
"Good lets go home we can have a movie night with everyone" he says as I nod
We walk back to the car and Percy drives back to the house

Eventually Percy pulled up at home but I was to lazy to walk inside so I pretended I was sleeping so he would carry me in.
I feel him pick me up and walk inside and I try not to laugh
"Hey how did it go" I hear Preston asks
"It was ok, she's fine guys, she already knew"
"How the heck did she find out " I hear Preston say
"You guys talk to loudly, she heard you" I tried to hold in a giggle but I think they heard me.
"Hey I thought you were sleeping" Percy says
"Nope!" I say as he lets me down. "Where's Parker?"
"He's at work still kiddo" Percy says
Pierce walks in the kitchen "sup bros, squirt" he says lastly looking down at me since he's really tall
"Yooooo, I'm no squirt" I say trying to make a intimidating face
"Ya she's no squirt!" Leo says walking in
" YA!" I pause for a minute, Wait leo is here.
"LEOOOOOOO" I say hugging his leg since im tiny compared to him.
"Im here to" Luka says
"Hi" I wave at him giggling"so do you guys wanna play outside with me?" I say
"But we brought pizza, dont you want some" luka says
"Yeah!" I say
"We will play outside after eating ok?" Luka says
"Cool ill invite the other guys, we can have a mini pizza party" Percy says
"YAY PARTYYYYYYYYYYY" I say jumping around excitedly
"Were gonna have a real party later right?" Preston whispers in Percy's ear.
"Oh boy just wait until she gets in college" Luka says
"Oh hell nah" Preston says
"PRINCETON" I say giggling
"Dang she's 5 and she already knows where she wants to go?" Luka says chuckling
"Preston and Parker went there, well Preston still does" I say giggling
"I see" Luka says
Percy gives me a slice of pizza "here ya go eat up"
"Okayyy" I say starting to eat

A while later After I finished eating I was watching Moana and I hear Atlas, Xander and Damien walk in as well as Preston's friends Elijah, Alethea, I call her Thea and Samuel.
"Presley guess who's here"
I run up to them and give them hugs
"Hi I missed you guys" I say
I get a bunch of I miss you's and awhs back
"Will I still get to see you when we move" I say
"Yes ofc" Xander says
"Okay" I smile and go to atlas and we both go outside to play
We played on the trampoline for a while and threw a ball around
"it's getting dark we should go inside" he said as I nod
"Can you lift me up please I'm tierd" I say as he lifts me up and goes inside
"Did you guys have fun?" Parker says
He came home from work a while ago
"Alot of fun" I mumble
"Good" Parker says as atlas puts me on the couch next to pierce as I cuddle into him
He puts his arm around me and his friends chuckle
"What?" We ask at the same time
"Ur such a softie Pierce" Luka says
"I am not" he says
I giggle
"Can I play with the nerf gun you bought me"
"Aren't you tierd" I shook my head no and he gives me a look knowing I am
"I wanna play with everyone" I say
"You have to go to bed soon but fine" he says as I go pick up the nerf gun.
I giggle and start shooting at them
"Gott youuuu" I say running to the other guys
I run up to them "im gonna get you zombies!" I say accidentally hitting Damien in the face
"Woops" I giggle
"Hey shoot away from the face" Parker says as I shoot him and giggle
He rolls his eyes playfully "this kid is gonna be the death of me" he mumbles
"Good idea pierce, getting her a nerf gun" Percy says rolling his eyes
"He's a fun sponge, im just playing zombie cop so u guys are the zombies and im the cop" I say
"Where did the zombies come from?" Atlas says
"Idk Pierce plays alot of fun games with them so booom" i say hitting Elijah and Samuel.
"WINNER" i say blowing off the top like James bond, they laugh at that and Preston picks me up.
"Yup you won kiddo, now time for bed" he says holding me in his arms
I frown at him and huff "fine, only because im a little tired"
"Ok boss" he says playfully rolling his eyes
"I'm the boss?" I say giggling
"Honey I was being sarcastic me and your brothers are the boss" he says
"That makes sense cuz your bossy"
"Hey!" He says as the boys laugh quietly but then stop when Preston looks at them.
"Say goodnight Presley " he says
"Goodnight Presley" I giggle
"Very funny" he says sarcastically
"Bye bye guys" I say as I hear a bunch of goodnights and goodbyes from the boys and a bunch of I love you's from my brothers
Preston gets me ready for bed and cuddled with me until I fell asleep
He's the best.

A/N I was gonna have them move far away but I figured if they were staying we would have more drama so yea! 3 votes for next chapter! Next chapter coming soon

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