Shoes and shatters

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I was up at the crack of dawn this morning, I was excited for school today cuz my new teacher said we would be reading Charlottes web, it was named after my friend so thats why I was so pumped.
I didn't mind being the youngest in my class, It was scary at first but I was actually learning stuff so it wasn't that bad after all since I got to see Payton and everyone at recess.
I didn't really talk to any of the kids though and some of the kids in the class were the people who tried to steal the ball from us last week. I was fine on my own tho, they bothered me a little bit but I tried to shrug it off, I was a pretty quiet kid anyway so I focused on my own work.
School went by very quickly today.
Math, science, English,Lunch, recess, reading and gym.
Gym was the only class I had with my regular age group, its the only class that stayed the same.
It was someone's birthday in gym class so they brought cupcakes and we sang them happy birthday.
Oh and during gym class I won the race well me and Payton tied.
Where are the fastest in our class, I think I won but Payton thinks he won.
Annoying. Who knew I could be so competitive. Maybe this gym thing is growing on me.

Pierce eventually picked us up from school he was 20 minutes late.
He had just gotten off work but he brought us granola bars so its all good.
We drove back to the gym that Pierce works at as a personal trainer. It also has a outside area for soccer and that's where Payton plays. We met up with the boys and took a seat on the bench as the boys began playing. I was cheering Payton on he was doing such a good job, the division was 7-8 and he was basically being a king, he was very good. The coach gave him a game ball because he scored three goals, Preston took some pictures of us it seemed like hours before he was done but it was only like 30 seconds "Ok no more" Payton says as he chuckles.
I was really tired from school today but I couldn't imagine how Payton felt cuz he had school today to.
"Preston can you carry me" Payton says yawning as Preston picks him up.
"But I wanna be carried!" I say whining
"Ask pierce or one of the other boys to carry you baby" I groan and go to ask Pierce if he cam carry me and he says yes and lifts me up

It was now 6 o'clock we were all ready to eat some dinner so we went home.
They told us not to fall asleep because it was apparently to late to nap, they said we wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if we were to fall asleep right now and that it would mess up our sleep schedule.
We eventually got home and Percy and Parker started to make dinner.
Pierce turned on a show for us to watch and started txting on his phone. Preston went to the hospital to work since he was on call for the night.
Payton went in the kitchen to grab something as we were watching spongebob
The boys brought us some mac & cheese and we were allowed to eat it in the living room for once. They went outside to go have a adult time a.k.a, a drink lol.
They didn't do it often just once in a blue moon like a regular young adult would.

Anyways Payton eventually came back and I frowned cuz he had the last juice box, that was mine Preston said I could have the last one
"Give me it Payton" I say to him trying to pull the last juice box out of his hand
"No I had it first" he says rolling his eyes
"No you took it from me" I say
"ITS MINE" he says pulling it
"NO MINE! PIERCE HE TOOK IT" I say madly as he looks up from his phone
"I saw him bring it in first, we can get more tomorrow, just let him have it" Pierce says as he scrolls on his phone more, happily invested in whatever he was doing.
I rip the juice out of his hands and run off as he throws a shoe at me
He hit the juice out of my hand but the shoe broke a vase on the table, I scream as a shatter of the glass comes flying towards my face.
Pierce immediately looks up as he hears the shatter and I start to cry
"Oh fuck" he says going to me and lifting me up
"PAYTON WE DON'T THROW SHOES AT PEOPLE" he yells as I see blood trickling down my face and I cry more.
He tries to get me to move my hand but I cry more and I hear footsteps run inside.
"What the hell happened" Percy says removing my hand from my face as there's a piece of glass stuck in my lower cheek.
Parker immediately gets a towel and puts it on my face being cautious of the glass.
Pierce helps him hold it there as I was still in Pierce's arms and Percy was calling Preston.
I looked at Payton cuz he was crying and telling Parker he didn't mean for that to happen.

I felt bad cuz he felt bad but it made me freak out more when he looked at me and freaked out when he saw the glass in my cheek.
"Princess it's not that bad" Pierce said trying to calm me down rubbing me back.
"Preston said to come in to the er right away and to also grab ice to stop any swelling." Pierce nods as he takes me to the car
They tell me to hold the ice and towel on my face, I whimper  but I do it anyway.
Payton held my hand and it calmed me down a little "im sorry twinnie" he says
"Its ok Pay I know you didn't mean to" I say as he nods

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