Sports vrs Smarts

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Presley's POV
Its been about a month since Payton started to live with us, these past couple weeks we been spending alot of time together and have been inseparable. He even let me practice makeup on him as long as I played minecraft with him. We had a bunch of nerf wars and quirt gun wars oh and we pranked Pierce with water balloons it was so funny! But yea just alot of fun and games these past couple weeks, we started to go back to school last week and were all in the same classes. We met tons of new friends there names were Oliver, Patrick, Ellie, Charlotte and Henry. Charlotte and Henry were also twins so it was something we had in common they came over the other day and we made cookies but yeah.
Currently we were in math class I was so bored.
"Ok so can someone tell me what 5x10 is?" the teacher said as I groaned loudly putting my head down
I was so bored in school it was so easy and boring.
"Presley is there a problem honey" the teacher said as I shook my head no not wanting to interrupt.
She rambled on about math but I just kept my head down the whole time, Payton tried to tap me but the teacher told us to focus and for me to put my head up. I didn't tho cuz it was boring. Eventually she handed out sheets and I finished it in the first 10 minutes, it was easy.
The teacher looked it over and told me to go pick out a book to read in the reading area so I did excitedly.

At recess we kicked a dodgeball around but a group of first graders took it from us. They got on our nerves but we stuck our tounges out at them and annoyed them until they gave us the ball back lol.
Payton hugged me and giggled and thanked me because he really loved playing with the ball.
We kicked the ball around and played freeze tag, Payton won of course he's super fast.
But he pretended to be out of breathe and to slow down so I can tag him so he could say I won.
# confidenceboost!
Eventually we went back inside and finished off the day with the teacher reading to us.
We were at our lockers and Percy went to pick us up in his cop uniform.
"Ur brother looks scary with his uniform on" Charlotte says as I giggle
WOOOO HOOOOO! I hear Henry,Patrick, Oliver and Payton scream as Percy allows Payton to go to Olivers house to have a guys playdate, this is the second time they done this. We never usually went apart like this and always went on playdates together but Percy said it was good for some "separation" I wasn't to big on that tho.
Payton talked to percy about his day and how he was the star of gym class since we were playing soccer, he basically shot in all the goals and impressed everyone, the gym teacher told him last week to sign up for his team full of 7-8 year olds, thats how good he was.
The boys left with Olivers mom as well as the girls who left with there moms and dads.
"Mr Cromwell do you have a minute" the teacher says to Percy as he nods and tells me to go play with the other kids who are waiting to get picked up.

Percy's POV
Is everything ok? I ask her
"Yes Payton and Presley are great and very polite although I do have some concerns about Presley.
"She seems upset in the mornings when you leave and always asks to call u guys" she says
"Yea were working on that, she doesn't like being separated from us, its always been us against the world you know?" I say as she nods and Presley comes and hugs me
"Can I sit on ur lap" she asks
"Honey were having adult talk in a bit ok? Go play" I say as she sighs and goes back to where she was before and colors
"Its not affecting her focus or school work is it?" I say sighing
"No no its not that, that's mainly what I wanted to talk about but I didnt know if separation from Payton would be a problem" she says
"What do you mean" I say
"Presleys really smart we wanna move her up a grade, she gets all her work done super easily and its no challenge for her, how would you feel about that" she says as I smile
"I think that would be awesome, do you think she can do it?" I ask and she nods "for sure, for sure" she says nodding
"Okay then and don't worry she can see Payton during recess, it was nice seeing you Mr Cromwell " she says as I nod
"Oh please call me Percy, Mr Cromwell makes me feel old." i chuckle as she nods
Eventually Presley and I head back to my work to finish my shift but she was asleep the whole time so I didn't have to worry about her interrupting anyone or complaining about being bored.
I talked to the boys at work about what happened and they said how cool that was and how cute she was being when she was sleeping lol.
Anyways on the way home she woke up and I told her that she would be moving up a grade. She didn't take that well and didn't want to because she didn't like new situations and was really shy.
It was hard to get her to try to make friends the first week but Payton helped her.
I don't blame her for wanting to stay but I told her she was going to no matter what because I thought it would be better for her academically, she always complains about how bored and easy it is and I don't want that for her.
Also she loves learning new things and who knows maybe this will be good for her, she can put herself out there more without relying on Payton.
We pulled up at home and went inside to the boys eating pizza in the living room and watching football. Payton was home from his playdate and had his jersy and eyeblack on for the game. He gets really into this stuff.
"Hah you look like a clown" she says laughing at him
"Presley don't be rude!" I say
Payton frowns at her and sticks out his tounge
"I was joking Pay Pay" she says as she giggles and goes to Preston in the kitchen to get pizza

I tell the boys about the news and they seemed really excited!
I then go on to tell Payton that the basketball team I signed him up for starts on Wednesday afternoon after school. He went outside to practice with Pierce for a bit then came back inside.
Eventually the twins went to go play in the games room as we all finished watching the football game.
What a day.

Hope everyone is well, Hopefully you enjoy this chapter. It was fun to write lmk what u want to happen next and don't forget to vote.

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