Day off for Presley

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Payton's POV
Percy came in my room cuz it was 6am I was already getting ready for school
"Hey buddy are you awake"
"Yea" I said putting on a pull over shirt "can you help me button this" I say
He bends down "whats the occasion" Percy says
"I wanna be like Parker and this girl is really pretty, I wanna impress her" He says
"Ok buddy as long as you invite me to the wedding" he winks
"Will do, should I go wake up Presley?" I ask
"No buddy she's still tierd from yesterday okay, were gonna let her rest today" he says as I nod
"I still feel bad, i didn't mean for that to happen Percy, Im a bad twin." I say sighing
"Buddy ur not a bad twin and it's ok it was an accident" he says as I nod
"Im not introuble for throwing my shoe and breaking the vase?" I ask
"No im letting it slide this time, I know you don't usually get mad like that what happened?" He asks
"I was just really tierd and I guess grumpy" I say shrugging
"Ok buddy it happens, but never again ok? No throwing shoes and no more arguing with ur sister" he says as I nod
"Don't worry I'm gonna talk to her about it to, but for now lets get going, breakfast is on the table" he says ruffling my hair
We went downstairs and I ate breakfast. "Where is Pierce and Preston" I say eating my bacon
"Pierce is sleeping and Preston is with Presley making sure she's ok" Percy says
Eventually Parker came downstairs and we did our handshake.
"Cmon bud I'll take you to school, Percy I'll see u later man" he says doing the bro hug thing
"Lets go Pay." He says as I get up and go to the car to go to school.

Presley's POV
I woke up in my bed to Preston sleeping in my chair.
"Preston" I mumble whimpering as he opens his eyes
"Hi baby whats wrong" he asks sitting up
"My cheek hurts" I say
"Awh baby" he says picking me up and peeling off the band aid to check on it. "It might just be a little sore don't worry you will be okay" he says putting the band aid back on and kissing my forehead.
"Can I go to work with Percy" I say yawning
"Idk baby you were up till 2am last night aren't you tired" he asks
"What time is it" I ask
"8 oclock" he says as I shrug "me good" I mumble
"Idk Pres" he says
"Just for a little I wanna hang out with Atlas" I say
"Fine but it's up to Percy" He says
"Yayyy!" I run to Percy's room but before I can Preston grabs my hand "no running please I don't want u getting hurt again" he says

I shrug and walk to Percy's room and I jump on his bed as he's sitting there on his phone.
"Hellooooooo" I say as he chuckles and says hello back
"Can I go to work with you I wanna play with Atlas" I say as he looks at me for a second I think he's thinking about it.
"Ok but only if you're up for it" He says
"I am" i say as he nods
"Okay go get changed baby" I nod and go to my room
"PRESTONNN" I scream
He comes barging into my room along with Percy and Pierce "what's wrong are you ok" he says kneeling down to my height
"Yup, can you help me pick an outfit" I say as they sigh and Preston nods
"Yes but just don't scream You scared us" Preston says taking a deep breath
"Sorry" I say as they eventually go back to there rooms to get ready for the day
I come back downstairs and I hear Percy talking to the guys and walk in the room.
"Im gonna tell Payton and Presley about- " he starts to say but sees me, we make eye contact for a moment.
"Oh hi sweetie ready to go?" he asks me
I nod and put out my arms and look up to him as he lifts me up.
I say goodbye to the boys as they kiss my forehead and me and Percy go out to the car.

Eventually we arrive at the police station and Percy takes me to his desk, I see atlas and Damien and run over to them.
"Hey kiddo whats up" Damien asks
"Hi Pres" Atlas says he says as he stares at the band aid on my cheek "what happened kiddo?"
"I got glass stuck by apple juice" they give me a confused look as they look at Percy
"Long story" Percy says
"Awh im sorry sweetie" Atlas says
"It's ok, Can we play now" I say as he looks at percy
"Honey right now we have some cases to work on so on break ok?" he says as I frown at him crossing my arms
"But I don't want to be bored" I say
"Here's a coloring book" he says putting it on the side of his desk as he pulled up a chair
I always forgot about this part, when he does paperwork and goes out to bring the bad guys to jail. He was working on papers with janelle. BORING
Eventually I got busy and they were still doing paperwork but Atlas was on the phone so I went up to him to say hi, he waved but kept talking, he was talking about someone who was in the jail and how they needed a lawyer blah blah and it was so boring I got impatient and tapped him and whispered to ask him if he can play with me.
He quietly said in a few minutes so I smiled and nodded waiting patiently.
I eventually got impatient as it felt like he was on the phone for hours even though it was only minutes, I took the phone and hanged it up. I'm sure the call wasn't that important.

"You said you would play with me" I say whining
"Presley that was an important call" he says sighing
"You can talk to them later can we please play" I say
"Sorry kiddo later" he says sighing
"But i want to play now" I say whining. Tbh i was tierd from last night and I get all whiney when I'm tierd.
I was being a little loud so it caught Percy's attention "hey everything ok" he said
"She hung up on someone that I was talking to about a case, it's ok I'm sure she didn't know, we will hang out after kiddo, maybe if it's ok with ur brother I can take you to get McDonalds on my lunch" Atlas says
Percy raises a brow but nods " OK fine but Presley don't hang up on people here they could be talking about something serious. We clear?" He says sternly putting his serious face on. He looks more intimidating in a police uniform lol.
I nod looking down as he tells me to use my words and to look at him. Pet peeve of all my brothers I guess, they say it makes you look more confident and blah blah blah.
I look up at him "yes were clear I promise"
Eventually Atlas took me to McDonalds, I played in the play place and he got me chicken nuggets with a slushie. Haha sugar high.
After that he went back to work but a couple hours later Percy and I went home. When we got home the boys wanted me to take it easy the rest of the day and made me take a nap. But after that me, Payton and the rest of the boys, except for Pierce who was at college training to become a boxing/fitness coach, played what do you meme it was such a fun game. And yeah that was my day!

Sorry for the wait guys here's the chapter.
How do you guys feel about Pierce becoming a professional boxing coach.
What do you think Percy wants to Tell Payton and Presley?
I think I'm going to do 32 chapters for this book lmk if you guys want a sequel or anything.
Remember to vote and comment for more :)
I posted some more characters under the chapter (characters 2) so ya check em out!
Goodnight everyone 😌

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