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Word Count: 1537


We made it to Territory Seven a couple days later, around midday.

Keo didn't stick around after our conversation, and hasn't shown up since. So Mary and I have spent the two nights curled up on the seats feeling miserable about the entire experience.

Once we arrived, we found a place to stay temporarily outside of the main village.

It's perfectly remote, and we are unlikely to be tracked for a while.

Mary stands at the kitchen bench, staring out the window. "We could have gone anywhere..."

I look down at my coffee. Territory One is a cold, horrible tundra. It stretches endlessly, and there is one way in and one way out.

"They won't think we would come here," I tell her, trying to find a bright side through all of this, even if it's nearly impossible.

Mary has gone considerably quieter over the past couple days. She is still reeling from this, and every other hour she asks me if we made a mistake, if we should have just lived our lives out with the Noble's.

Because how terrible could that really be?

"Yeah, because this place is basically unliveable," she mutters, breathing fogging up the glass. Eventually she sighs dramatically, turning back to face me.

"We will be fine a little while." I rub my hands together, staring at the fireplace.

I wish we had wood to burn. I wish we had warmer coats and some gloves. And I wish Keo would hurry up and get here to explain what he needs me to do next.

She shivers. "What are we waiting for?"

I suck in a breath, considering what I should tell her. She isn't going to believe we are running from the Noble's forever, and since she so willingly came with me, she deserves the truth.

"Keo." I chew on my nail, watching her reaction.

Her eyes widen. "Keo? The murderous Demon?"

I wince. Now I'm not only going to have deal with the temperature outside, but also Mary's cold shoulder once she realises my true intentions.

"I know it's strange, but-"

"We ran away from the Noble's because of that Demon?" She questions, her voice raising with each word.

"I don't trust those Noble's. They would have never let us leave their estate until they caught Keo, and if they haven't done that in decades, they won't now," I insist.

It isn't an unreasonable fear, to be locked away like a prisoner forever. Even if my life has been awfully mundane recently, it doesn't mean I'm not interested in freedom, in living my life how I choose to.

I'll do what Keo wants, and then get on with my life.

"What's the other reason?" Mary demands, folding her arms over her chest, looking angrier than I think I've ever seen her.

"I made a deal with him," I say lowly.

The blood drains from her face. "A deal?"

"If I help him, he will supply you with an antidote....for your sickness," I tell her. Remembering my motivation makes it easier. Mary can be angry all she likes, in fact, she can hate me forever, but at least she will be alive.


"I know it's strange, and I know you're angry, but I'm kind of freezing, so let's get to finding some wood-"

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