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Word Count: 1843


The moment my feet touch the ground, I fall forward onto my knees.

Keo merely strolls past me, brushing lint off his black jacket. I scowl up at him.

"Murderer," I growl hatefully.

He looks down at me with that sick, sadistic smile on his face that I want to wipe off. All of this is amusing to him, it's fun.

"We knew that already." He holds his out to me.

Ignoring it, I stumble up onto my feet, looking around. We aren't in the hellscape I thought we would be, considering everything I've been told about this Demon.

This is Territory Two. It's dark, but I can hear the sea roaring outside the large, open balcony doors. I can taste the salt in the soft breeze that ruffles my clothes and hair.

And it's so wonderfully warm, despite the hour.

"Fuck you," I hiss.

"Calm down," he orders firmly, which only fuels my anger. How can he be so infuriating without every trying?

"I just watched someone die!"

It feels as though a rock has settled in the pit of my stomach. Watching that person lose their life like that...I'm never going to be able to shake that image from my mind.

"Are the dramatics because you're Angel-blooded, or just because you're you?" He tilts his head to the side, clearly taunting me.

My entire vision is red. I'm done.

Stalking forward, with no care of the hurt he could inflict upon me, I rear my arm back and slap him with as much force as possible. But before my hand can get close to striking him, he grabs my wrist and forces me back.

He doesn't stop until my back is pressed up against the glass window. Below, there is a perilous drop down the cliff and to the sea below.

"Do you have any idea what I could do to you, Tove?" He murmurs lowly.

My stomach tightens as fear grips me. He sounds like a lover trying seduce me, but the hidden meanings beneath the words fights through.

He can hurt me if I don't comply. But I don't feel like submitting to him yet.

"Kill me already," I snap, training my eyes on his so they don't start drifting down his face. "Take away my pain of having to be in your presence."

His grip tightens on my wrists, but he doesn't move, seeming to enjoy me simmering in my anger, ready to explode at any moment.

"There are many terrible things I would take great pleasure in doing to you," he purrs, looking down to trace his gaze over my body.

He's trying to anger me, I can sense it. And it's working, because I can't control it.

"Kill me, or I'll kill you," I growl, fighting to free myself. Dax is right. He isn't going to use me for my magic, he's just going to torment me endlessly until I lose my mind.

Keo smirks. "Uh huh. Sure you will."

He reaches into his pocket, pulling a knife out. I still as he hands it to me, then guides my hand to his neck.

I stare at the blade as it presses against his skin, at my hand wrapped around the hilt.

He leans closer into the knife. "Kill me."

He makes it sound so tempting. I could slit his throat and be done with him. There would be no cure for Mary, but I may save many lives in the future if I took his life now.

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