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Word Count: 2030


Rubbing my eyes, I wander from my bedroom, trying not to yawn.

It's been six weeks. I'm home, in my apartment, trying to get back to my normal life.

When I left, I didn't expect for there to be a looming shadow over my life. Everything is so peaceful, but it's a dark kind of quiet that is unnerving.

I haven't heard from Keo. I knew I wouldn't, but it still hurts.

It was me, who made the decision to leave. Each night I'm kept up with that thought, wondering if I made the right decision. Giving up a mate, regardless of who they are, is not easy.

But seeing Mary, perfectly healthy and healed of her horrific disease makes this all worth it.

"How are you feeling this morning?" she asks me as I walk into the kitchen

Mary has been sleeping in my apartment over the last few weeks. I don't want to be alone, or to be away from her. All is forgiven between us...

All she knows is that Keo was the one who saved her. She doesn't know why, or how, but she trusts me. That's what matters.

"I'm okay. Tired." It's the same response I've given her every morning recently.

Mary peers over her book. "You need to stop staying up so late. It's not going to help your sickness.

I rub my hand over my face. "I don't even feel sick."

I don't feel well...but I'm not sick. It's manageable, I just have to get used to it, because it's going to be a constant feature of my life from now on.

"You don't need to lie. It's not natural to be away from your mate," Mary reminds me. She's brought up this topic of conversation often, which is surprising, considering her deep distrust for Keo.

I fill the kettle with water. "Am I going to be like this forever?"

Mary tosses the blanket off her legs, skipping over to pluck a bottle from the cupboard, handing it to me.

"Not if you take these vitamins."

I snatch them out of her hands. "It's only delaying the problem."

She only winks. "Eat up!"

I sigh, chewing on the vitamins distastefully. They chase off the worse of the symptoms, but the empty, quiet ache of being away from Keo has set in deep. The only thing getting me through is knowing he's suffering from the same ailment.

"I was thinking we could go out and do something today," Mary says softly.

I nod. I've been putting off leaving here, but some time out in the sun might be good for me.

"What do you think Keo is doing right now?" I ask her, staring out the window over the city.

He will be finding another way to get what he wants, no doubt. Maybe he's found someone else to work with him, who he's taunting and teasing like he did to me.

The thought makes my stomach turn uncomfortably.

"Killing people. Using them, manipulating them," Mary mutters, getting up to grab her jacket from the hook by the door.

"That's a bit dramatic."

She looks at me sternly. "He was using you, Tove. He didn't care about you, he just wanted you for whatever mission he had planned."

I shake my head. She doesn't know what it was like, that night when he came back to offer me a way out. I don't blame her, I haven't exactly felt like divulging those last, painful moments.

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