Chapter 1

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Wanda pov

Hi, I'm Wanda Wells. The twin sister of Addison Wells. Well not really twin sister, I was adopted but they still consider me as a part of the family. Addison and I look alike enough that people could consider us twins except for one big factor. She has white hair, while I have black wavy hair with a streak of white in it. After last year and the zombies joined in with Seabrook, Addison took off the wig that was hiding her real hair for all her life, while I on the other hand, keep my streak hidden. It's not that I was ashamed of having my white streak, but I felt that people would think I'm trying to copy Addison. Which I'm not.

For as long as I can remember, I've had this necklace on with a stone in the center of it. I don't know why but my parents have always told me to keep it on no matter what. I've never really questioned it since I like the necklace anyways. But recently, over the past few years, I have been getting sicker and weaker. My parents took me to the doctor to try and figure out what's wrong with me, but they weren't able to detect anything. So I've just been living with it.

It is currently early in the afternoon and I am hanging out in the middle of the road with one of my best friends Zed and his little sister Zoey. Did I want to be here in the middle of nowhere? No. But Zed forced me to come along to help setting up his sign to ask Addison to Prawn as the cheer squad came back from their camp. Prawn is like the Seabrook version of prom but just shrimp themed. I guess.

I'm holding the ladder that Zed is standing on when Zoey asks, "How will I know when to throw the confetti?"

"You'll just know," Zed responds. Zoey nods and we continue going back to work.

I'm so focused on holding the ladder so Zed doesn't fall over that I don't realize the Seabrook bus is heading straight towards us until I hear the horn beeping.

"Zed!" I yell, grabbing Zoey as we jump out of the way on the bus.

"Are you okay?" I ask Zoey as we stand up.

"I'm okay," she nods. We run to catch up to Zed who flew off the bus and was now in the middle of the road.

"Now," I whisper to her once we get to Zed.

"Yay," Zoey exclaims, then throws the confetti onto Zed. He turns to give me a 'seriously' look. I just smile at him and hold out my hand to help him up.

"You good?" I ask.

"Yeah," Zed responds, "We should probably go check up on the cheer team though." I nod and we head into the forest, following the trail that the bus left. We enter into a small clearing as we start shouting for Addison. I walk towards the edge of the clearing trying to see if I could see the bus, but instead I hear someone groaning in pain behind me.

I turn around to see Addison apologizing, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry Zed!" I hold in a laugh as I walk over to the group of three. All of a sudden, I see movement around us. It's not an animal though, it looks like people. They're eyes glow a yellowish colour as they surround us. Then a girl runs up onto a flat rock and starts howling.

Oh shit.

They're werewolves.

The girl's necklace starts glowing a bright blue and for some reason mine does too. That's so weird though, because it's never done that before. I look around to see if anyone else notices, but they're all too focused on the werewolf howling.

Just as fast as she gets there, she starts to run away. Without even thinking, I decide to follow her and the rest of the wolves as they go deeper into the forest.

"Wanda wait!" my sister calls out. I turn around for a split second, before I continue to run, the curiosity building even more inside me.

I keep following her deeper and deeper into the forest before hiding behind a bush as the rest of the wolves gather in another clearing. Not even ten seconds later one of the guy werewolves starts sniffing the air and they all turn towards my direction. The girl who howled starts walking to exactly where I'm hiding and obviously not wanting to die, I start running back the way I came. I get back to the group out of breath and hunched over.

"Why did you run off like that?" Addison questions me.

"I got curious," I respond, "That's all." I'm not telling her about my necklace, who knows who Addison would tell.

"We'll come on. We should get back to Seabrook," Addison says motioning towards the bus.

"No one's going to believe this," Zed mumbles to himself as we enter the vehicle.

We get back to Seabrook and we are all rushed into the high school gym which is where a council meeting is taking place.

"Thank god you two are ok," mom says hugging Addison and I.

"Don't worry Uncle Dale and Aunt Missy. The crash was horrible but I protected them," Bucky says appearing out of nowhere. I roll my eyes. This man did nothing but fail to even protect himself.

"Someone has to do something," Bucky states.

"And someone will," mom says. She walks up to the podium and announces, "Anti-Monster laws are now reinstated!"

"What!" Addison exclaims, "Mom, you can't do that. That's not fair."

"Zip it," mom says, as she makes the motion of a zipper shutting her mouth, "I don't want to hear it."

I sigh, "I'm going to head home," I tell Addison.

"Alright," she nods, "See you later." I leave as she starts talking to Zed. Once I get outside, I realize that everyone is panicking and running everywhere. It's too much chaos for me to handle right now and I just need to clear my head. I decide to take the scenic route home, walking near the edge of the Forbidden Forest. I know not many people would suggest doing that, especially in light of recent events. But that's okay. It's quieter here anyways.

"Why were you glowing earlier?" I think out loud, looking down at my necklace. I get home and go straight to my room and sit on the edge of my bed. I debate taking off the necklace but remember that mom and dad would get mad at me if I did. I've taken it off once, but as soon as they found out I did, I was grounded for a whole month and they didn't even tell me why.

Wyatt pov

I was walking around Zombietown disguised as a construction worker when I see this small cart filled with something called froyo. 

As I made my way to ask if I could try some the guy standing there says, "Nope. We're closed. Dreams of selling froyo melted away." I don't even get a chance to reply before he starts to run away. I continue walking through the streets of Zombietown while everyone else around me was scrambling in all directions. I come up to this young zombie who is putting up a sign on the bus stop.

"Have you seen a werewolf?" she asks me, "I'm looking for a were-friend."

"Silly kid," I start, "there's no such thing as werewolves."

"But we heard it howl," she replies.

"Maybe it was a hiker saying howls it going," I say, laughing inside at my own joke.

"It was a werewolf!" she insists, "My what big eyes you have." The way she looked at me, for a second I thought she knew that I am a wolf.

"Zoey!" a man calls out, I assume that is her dad, "Come on!" I sigh as she runs back inside her house. That was a close call.

I take the were-friend poster off the bus stop then start making my way back to the den. I quickly look behind me to make sure no one is following me before I enter the restricted area to the Forbidden Forest.

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