Chapter 18

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Wanda pov

After only a few hours of some rest I get up from the couch. I need to clear my head. Without waking Wynter, I quietly leave the room and start walking in the forest. I don't even know where I'm trying to go, but that's okay. It's not like I have anywhere to go anyways. Eventually, I see a covering created by a rock, which makes it kind of look like a cave. I stop for a few moments as I sit there, leaning against the rock. I guess I didn't get enough sleep the night before, because a few moments later, I drift asleep.

Willa pov

I wake up in my bed the next morning to see no one beside me. Oh right. That happened. I need to talk to Wanda. So I get out of my bed and change clothes before exiting my room. I make my way to Wynter's room, knowing that she would have most likely spent the night there. I knock on the door, and a few seconds later, it opens.

"What do you want?" she questions, anger laced in her voice.

"Where's Wanda?" I ask her, internally sighing because Wynter already knows what happened.

"I don't know," Wynter responds, "And even if I did, why would I tell you. All you've done is hurt her." I groan in frustration and walk away from Wynter until eventually leaving the den. I go out into the forest and start calling out Wanda's name to see if I can find her. I know she doesn't want to see me, but the two of us have to talk.

I make my way to Zombietown, to see if she's there, because sometimes that's where she likes to hang out. Soon after, I head over to Zed's house, then Eliza's, and then eventually Addison's.

"What's going on?" Addison asks me, after opening the door.

"Wanda's missing. I can't find her anywhere," I tell her, leaving out the details of the events of last night.

"Come on," she says, "I'll help you look for her."

"I wonder where she is," I wonder aloud as we enter into the forest.

"Me too. It isn't like her to run off like this."

Wanda pov

I wake up from my short nap and check my phone to see the time. I take out my phone and turn it on, but the time isn't the only thing I see. I see missed call notifications from all my friends. Wow, Willa is actually trying to look for me. It's almost noon so going to Seabrook to get some food would probably be the best idea.

I start walking in the direction of Seabrook, when I see the last person I would ever want to see again. Willa. Hopefully they didn't see me and I try to quickly walk away from her and Addison as soon as I can, but Willa grabs my arm and stops me from leaving.

"What is going on?" Addison asks, "Wanda, it's not like you to run away like this."

"Of course she didn't tell you," I mutter to myself, "Willa, would you care to explain our situation."

"What is going on?" Addison repeats.

"Willa cheated on me," I state, "With A-spen. There's nothing more to say than that."

"Oh, you're joking me," Addison says. She grabs my arm away from Willa and starts pulling me in the direction of Seabrook.

"How could you do that to my sister, Willa? After everything. You don't deserve to be alpha," Addison spits.

Willa pov

I walk in frustration back to the den. That did not go how I wanted it to at all. I was supposed to be able to get the chance to talk to Wanda and explain myself for everything that happened. As I enter, I am greeted by Wyatt who asks where I was.

"Out," I respond, flatly.

"Where's Wanda?" he asks.

"Out," I repeat, my voice keeping the same tone.

"Did you tell him?" Wynter asks, coming out of nowhere. Oh you are kidding me right now. I did not want my brother to find out about this. The less people that know, the better.

"Tell me about what?" Wyatt questions.

"Uh, I'll leave you to it," Wynter says, quickly exiting the room.

"What did you do now Wils?"

"I cheated on Wanda," I say, "And she found out last night."

"Why? With who?" Wyatt asks.

"With A-spen," I mumble, "And we just had this connection. You wouldn't understand. I didn't mean for Wanda to find out."

"So you just expected to cheat on her for the rest of the time the two of you were together?" Wyatt says raising his voice, "After everything you and Wanda have been through. After everything with A-spen and the aliens. How could you do this to her? Do you even know how much she loves you? Because she loves you so, so much. Even after you hurt her earlier in the year, she never believed that you were a monster. She protected you from those who were against you." Maybe I did mess up this badly, I think to myself. Now I really need to find Wanda to fix everything. Wyatt leaves to go hang out with Willa, clearly trying to avoid me.

Later on in the day, I head out to go meet up with A-spen to have a talk with them.

"Look," I start, "I know I messed up badly with Wanda and now I'm questioning why we even got together in the first place."

"We just have a connection," they say, "Maybe it was just impulsive. I understand though if you don't want to be with me anymore. I just hope that we can still be friends."

"I would love to be friends. But the whole situation is hard because I feel a connection with you, but at the same time I also feel a connection with Wanda, and now I don't know which is right."

"You'll figure it out," A-spen comforts, "Just talk to Wanda, I'm sure after you do everything's going to be okay."

"How?" I ask, "Wanda doesn't even want to be near me, and I'm sure that as soon as the rest of the pack finds out, they're going to be against me."

"I know. But the least you can do is talk to her. Especially before everyone leaves for university."

"Yeah. I will. Thank you for everything."

"Of course. I love you." With that, I run off through the forest and through Seabrook until I reach Addison's house. I gather up all my courage then knock on the door, but to my surprise, instead of it being Addison or Wanda, it's Eliza.

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