Chapter 8

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Addison pov

"Hey Zed," I greet, walking beside him through the forest, as our group makes our way back home.

"Hey," he responds.

"I know that you think there's something going on between Wyatt and I. But there's not," I say, "I swear Zed. I love you. I'm not going to cheat on you with a wolf."

Zed sighs, "I know you wouldn't. I love you too. But they're wolves. How can you be so calm with that. Hell, you're sister is a werewolf."

"And?" I question.

"She could attack you at any moment!" he explains, but still keeps his voice down so Wanda doesn't hear us.

"Are you kidding me?" I ridicule, "That's my sister you're talking about. She will never attack us. Besides, I'm just happy she finally found where she belongs. She doesn't have to hide who she is anymore."

"I'm just saying you have to be careful. She's a monster," Zed says in surrender.

"So are you," I mutter before walking towards my sister, putting my arm around her shoulder.

Wanda pov

The next day, I wake up and start getting ready for school. I keep my hair the same as the night before, leaving it the way the wolves styled it, and keep the same clothes fully embracing my inner wolf. I go to my mirror and start doing my makeup the same way it was yesterday. I add a few changes to it, partly because I don't remember how to do all of it. Once I finish, I go downstairs to get breakfast to see Addison already sitting there with our parents. They turn their heads to me and watch me come down the stairs giving me a weird stare. 

I grab some food and start eating before mom asks, "So, new look?"

"I like it," Addison replies, "Our new friends like it."

"Did you join a rock band?" Dad questions. I stifle a laugh. Oh dad. He really is so clueless sometimes.

Addison and I start to walk out of the house to walk to school when mom stops me, "Honey, later when you get home from school, we really need to talk."

"Yeah, okay," I nod. I already know what the talk is going to be about.

Addison and I walk through the front doors of the school, and as soon as we do, we get stares from everyone all around us. I hear them muttering to each other. But even with my werewolf hearing I still don't know what they are saying, there's too many voices overlapping one another.

"Woah," Lacey exclaims, as the Acey's come up to us, "Bad hair day?"

"Bad hair life," Stacey states.

"I think it looks great," Addison replies, staying firm.

"I don't see anything wrong with it," I add.

"Yeah not so much," J.C. says, "And Wanda, just to let you know, the next time we want your opinion, we'll ask you for it."

The all snap at the same time before Lacey continues, "Addison if you ever expect to be cheer captain-"

"Well maybe I don't" Addison interrupts, this takes me by shock. Like when has she ever not wanted to be cheer captain, "Maybe cheer team isn't for me after all." Lacey opens her mouth to say something again, but before she can, I bare my fangs, growling at her as my eyes glow the vibrant gold. The three Acey's scream and run away yelling, "Werewolf!"

"Addison!" Zed exclaims running up to the two of us, avoiding people in his way.

"I was up all night thinking," he continues, "You're not a werewolf. You can't be."

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