Chapter 5

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Willa pov

Wyatt opens his mouth to say something, but before anything can even come out, Wanda starts coughing again. Her legs give out and she starts collapsing towards the ground, but Wynter catches Wanda and slows the fall.

"It's okay," she whispers, "I got you." I see the cheerleaders filing out of the room leaving just us wolves.

Crouching down, I take Wanda's hands and say, "Just breathe. Okay? Take deep breaths." Eventually, her coughing stops and she just sits there, leaning against Wynter's leg for support. I stand back up and walk over to Wyatt who is looking at Wanda with a worried face.

"Her moonstone is is way lower powered than we thought," I tell him, "Not even most of the elders have it this low."

"I know," Wyatt agrees, "It doesn't even change colour when a wave hits."

I nod, "I've read about it somewhere before that it is possible to transfer some power from a more charged moonstone to a weaker one."

"No," Wyatt starts, "Don't even think about it."

"Why not?" I question, "I'm the alpha. I have to help the pack."

"She's not even in the pack," he explains, "We don't even know if Wanda is a wolf. For all we know, she's just a kid with hair like us and a bad disease. Do not do it." I give him a look.

"I am the alpha. And you cannot tell me what I can or cannot do." With that, I turn around and head back to Wanda who is still on the floor.

"Hey," I speak lightly, "I'm going to try something that may help you. Just don't freak out."

"I'm fine though," Wanda replies. She tries to stand up but starts coughing again as soon as she makes an attempt to.

"Just trust me," I say. She nods and I gently reach out to grab her moonstone with one hand, while I grab mine with the other. Once I am holding both I bring them together and see them both glow a bright blue as some of my power transfers to her. As soon as it's finished, I immediately feel weaker. My eyes and moonstone start glowing yellow as I cough. There's also a new feeling of pain arising in my chest, but it's not that bad.

"Willa!" Wyatt exclaims, his voiced full of worry. He runs over and starts rubbing my back telling me to keep breathing and take deep breaths.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," I reassure. I look over to Wanda who's eyes are currently glowing, what should be, it's usual gold.

"What's happening?" she asks, fear laced in her words.

"Wanda, just listen to me and let me explain everything okay?" I say, making direct eye contact with her. She nods and Wyatt squeezes my shoulders telling me that it's going to be alright.

"You're a werewolf," I state, "I don't know how. Maybe your parents were werewolves and then gave you to your parents. But I think your adoptive parents know about it. I mean how else would they know you have to keep the moonstone necklace on at all times."

"I-I'm sorry," Wanda stutters, "Can you repeat that again? I'm a werewolf?"

"Yes you are a werewolf," I repeat, trying to keep my voice as calm as possible for the sake of Wanda.

"Oh, ok," she says, I don't know if she's accepting it or not, "I mean I guess it makes sense with the hair and the moonstone but what does the sickness I have, have anything to do with being a wolf?"

"Well, as you know, our pack has these moonstone necklaces which keep us alive. Every so often our moonstones need to recharge and we do that by connecting our necklaces to the whole moonstone. But that was taken from us when the settlers first came to Seabrook they stole it from us. Ever since then, we wolves haven't been able to charge our necklaces. So over the years our necklaces have been slowly losing its charge which causes us to get sick. I don't know how, but I have the feeling that yours is a lot less powered than anyone else in the pack."

"Sorry, I have another question," Wanda starts, "How is it that whatever you did help?"

"Well, I've read it in some older text before that it's possible to transfer power from one moonstone to the other, but only if they are ma-" I quickly stop myself before revealing too much about what I know. Not even Wyatt knows this.

"Wait, but that means your moonstone has lower power now, right?" Wanda questions with worry.

"Yeah," I admit, my gaze softens as our eyes meet, "But it's okay. It's my role as alpha to protect those in the pact."

"Thank you," she says as she starts to stand up, "for everything, really. But you didn't have to do that. Your pack needs you to lead them."

"Wanda," I say taking her hands, "It is my job to protect the pact. And you are now one of those who are in it." She smiles before letting go of my hands to engulf me in a hug.

"Thank you," she whispers. The sound of her voice sends tingles down my spine and I feel butterflies appear in my stomach. What is happening to me?

As we pull apart Wanda says, "I should probably go and find Addison. I'll see you guys tomorrow at school though." We all nod and wave goodbye to her as we watch her exit the gym. Once she is out of ear reach, Wyatt pulls me towards him and Wynter, away from the rest of the wolves who slowly start to leave and head back to the den.

"What?" I ask.

"So, what's going to between you and Wanda?" Wyatt asks teasingly.

"Nothing," I respond flatly, "She's another wolf in the pack that I have to help."

"Right..." Wynter starts, "that's totally what it is. Because I totally don't see you guys making heart eyes at each other and I also totally didn't see your face go red as she hugged you earlier." I feel a slight blush creep onto my face again.

"I-I don't know," I stutter. Seriously, what is happening. I am the alpha, I should not be stuttering like this.

"You know it's fine if you like someone," Wyatt says swinging his arm around my shoulders, "I would approve. Don't try to deny that you don't like her." I smile at him and give him a small nudge. Then together, Wyatt, Wynter and I leave the building arm slung over each other's shoulders.

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