Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Valerie had asked Rain to go with Mary-Louise and Nora to find Oscar so as she walked into the Whitmore collage that she used to called home, she found Nora and Stefan talking.

"That's not the Valerie i knew" Stefan says confused.

"Well, I used to be a sickly, abused little urchin cast out by my coven, and..." Nora rambled before Rain decided to make her presence known.

"Then she met Mary-Lou" Rain spoke with a grin on her face, the two looked to her. "Love changes people Stef, you of all people should know that." She said tapping his arm and sitting down next to Nora.

"Maybe Valerie's obsession with you is the reason why she's a walking funeral dirge" Nora mumbles and Rain stiffens knowing that was not the case but before either of them could say anything Mary comes prancing in.

"Oh Nora" Mary sings, walking in with a stunning red dress and devil horns "Well?" she questions looking down at her dress.

Nora stands up and hums "Not bad." Nora says walking closer and Mary-Lou's face drops.

"Not bad is not good" Mary says angry while Stefan, Rain and Caroline stand there awkwardly watching the exchange.

"No, you look nice, its just... Kinda plain. But i can sex it up for you" Nora says with a smile.

"I'm comfortable like this Nora, don't" But Nora does it anyway and Mary hits her hand away "Stop it!" she yells.

"Come on, you're supposed to be a devil" Nora says and Mary looks at her angrily.

"You want a devil" Mary says as she flings a pair of scissors into a male student who is walking down the stairs.

Stefan and Caroline rush over to him, to try and help him.

"Its fifteen minutes past the hour. Distraction period over." Mary says storming off.

"Mary-Lou, wait" Nora says rushing after her.

Rain stood there awkwardly and looked over to her ex-best friends and she slowly walked the direction of the stairs where Nora and Mary had previously ran to. Caroline looked at her with a defeated look "Rain, why are you playing into their game" Caroline spoke sadly and Rain turned to her.

"Care, you'll understand soon enough. I promise" Rain said with a small smile and walked away, her heels stomping on the floor.

Stefan and Caroline looked at each other confused before turning back to the bleeding boy trying to heal him.

* * * * * * * *

Rain strutted into the angel and devil party wearing a short, leather, red dress with devil horns. she had a red shoulder bag. She searched the party looking for Mary and Nora but instead her eyes found Stefan and Caroline who were already looking at her, she gave them a smirk before mingling with the party.

after a while of partying Rain decided to eardrop on Caroline and Stefan's conversation, they were talking about how Nora want breathing room and Mary's to scared to do it encase she loses her, But Caroline is instantly wrong when a slow song comes on and the two girls dance lovingly at each other.

"Caroline, darling" Rain said "They love each other, a lot. I mean kill their own sister love each other." Rain smiled from behind Stefan and Caroline, she put a hand on Caroline's shoulder but some how never got hurt.

Rain walked away and found someone to dance with leaving a dumbfounded Caroline and Stefan "Did she just-" Stefan said pointing confused at Caroline's shoulder.

"Yeah" Caroline breathed confused and shocked "you try" Caroline said and he did but instantly pulled back once the skin burnt him. The couple look at each other, then at Rain who was peacefully laughing at something.

After more parting Rain went to the bar to get a drink of bourbon, she looked over to Mary to find her about to attack a girl before Stefan stepped in a stopped her, showing her a picture of a very alive Oscar with Damon.

Rain frowned and glared knowing that her wonderful, party-filled night had come to an end. Rain downed the rest of her drink before slamming the glass on the table, then pulled out her phone calling Valarie while walking out of the party.

"Valarie, Oscar's alive" then hung up.

* * * * * * * *

Rain had woken up the next day to text from Valarie saying that she had gone with Stefan and Damon to find Julian's body and burn it.

She waited all day for a text back but nothing came until Lily walked into her bedroom to tell her they are going on a trip to get his body. Rain smiled softly before telling her she thinks it'd be better for her to stay and watch the house.

"but Lorenzo is here to watch the house" Lily said with a smile and Rain stiffened.

"Well, since he lost Caroline to Mary and Nora, I don't think he's very reliable" Rain giggled and Lily nodded. "Also, I think this is a thing just you guys should do i mean, i have never met the man." Rain smiled and Lily nodded again.

"You make a good point, Ill see you later then?" Lily asked and Rain smiled.

"Of course" Rain spoke softly before Lily retreated out of the room and once she heard the family leave, she jumped up and started getting her suitcase and clothes out of her draws and threw them into her suitcase.

She rushed down stairs to be met with Enzo leaning against the door frame "and where do you think your going?" Enzo said in a heavy English accent.

"Away from this town, away from Heretics and vampire hunters and resurrection stones" Rain sighed and Enzo looked at her, He found out from Lily what had happened to her and he knew all to well what it was like to lose someone you loved and live forever without them.

"Go on, I wont say a word until they come back" Enzo smiled and Rain looked at him confused.

"why would you do that for me? i mean were not really friends" Rain asked confused and Enzo chuckled.

"I know what you have went through and to want a break is understandable so go and leave" Enzo smiled and Rain returned, rushing to her car.

She got every thing she needed, prepared and the first place she was visiting was Greece. Rain looked at the time she had about 5 hours till her flight and thought it'd be best to leave soon. As she was on her way she got a text message from Valarie saying she had failed.

Rain sent a text back saying she's sorry but she has to leave this town because she cannot handle the death and arguing anymore.

And for a couple of years that is the last time they ever heard from Rain Specter.


Okay so the story of Rain and Kai is almost up but don't worry a little Spoiler Kai will be back !!

Hope you have an amazing day :)

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