Two months later/a mysterious message

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*two months have passed since the hostage situation......Rita & Lincoln have been bonding a lot lately by fighting crime as Mrs incredible and incrediboy 

While the loud sisters where trying to figure out how they all ended up with super powers Lisa had made several theories*

Theory 1: they must've ended up contracting something that gave them their powers 

Theory 2: it might've been a random mutation in their genetic code during embryonic development 

Theory 3: one of their parents were a super/metahuman and maybe the reason they have powers they inherited it from one of their parents 

*whatever the reason the sisters were trying to get rid of their powers.......however Lisa stated that it's irreversible and incurable 

They're stuck with them for life......and must've activated sometime during the summer the kids only have one more month and a half of summer break before returning to school on September 21st 

The only normal thing for them was their activates......during a mugging attempt Luna had activated her powers when she and Sam were being mugged after attending a Mic-swagger concert 

Lori gained her elasticity when she saved a cat when it was stuck up a tree while the others had them at and during random moments* 

*we see Rita and Lincoln putting groceries away in Vanzilla Lori was using Rita's car to go on a date with Bobby* 

Lincoln: I think that's all the groceries mom

Rita: okay let's head home now 

*Rita and Lincoln get into vanzilla as the mysterious figure puts a small tablet-like device into a random bag she got to make it look like groceries before heading off as vanzilla drives back

We see them arrive back at the house as we cut to a few hours later as Rita and Lincoln discover the bag* 

Rita: Lincoln did you get anything? 

Lincoln: no I haven't......what is this?

*Rita opens the bag and finds the tablet and takes it out of the Lincoln sees it* 

Lincoln: what is it? 

Rita: I have no idea......this is clearly no iPad or kindle Ive seen....... *soon tiny words appear as it turns on* 

Lincoln: what in the? 

*Rita sees the words* 

Rita: hold still? 

*The Tablet scans both Rita and Lincoln's faces* 

Tablet: Match......Mrs Incredible and Incrediboy 

*Rita in her panic throws the tablet on the floor as it scans the living room*

Lincoln: what is it doing?! 

Tablet: room is secure......Commence message 

???: Hello Mrs Incredible and Incrediboy......yes we know who you two are.....but rest assured that you're secret is safe with name is mirage and we have something in common 

According to the government neither of us existed......please pay attention you two as this message is classified and will not be repeated 

*Rita immediately grabs a paper and pencil writes down what mirage is saying as Lincoln stares at the screen* 

Mirage: I represent a top secret division of the government.....designing and testing experimental technology and we have a need for both of your unique abilities 

*Lincoln hears the door opening as He and Rita take the device pencil and paper to her bedroom* 

Mirage: something has happened at our remote testing facility (interrupted by Lola: a highly experimental attack robot) 

Lola: *behind the door* hey Mommy! Linky! Lori got us all Burpin Burger for dinner! 

Rita: okay that's fine! 

Mirage: has escaped control.....although within an isolated area it threatens to cause incalculable damage to itself and our facilities jeopardizing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of equipment 

(interrupted by Luna & Lori: in research because of its highly sensitive nature this mission would not have existed) 

Luna: *Behind the door* Bro? Mom? Is someone in there with you two?

Lincoln: *lies* mom & me are watching a movie! 

Lori: *Behind the door* well pause it it's literally time for dinner! 

Rita: one minute young lady! 

Mirage: if you two accept....Your payment will triple your current annual the number on the card.....voice-matching will be used to ensure security 

The supers aren't gone Mrs Incredible you and your sidekick are still two can still do great things.....or you can wait for more dangerous criminal activity to happen 

You two have 24hrs to respond......think about it 

*The Tablet shuts off*

Rita: well what do you think? 

Lincoln: well we could use the extra money mom although Lori has a job working at Walmart it's not enough to keep us going 

Plus we can bond some more mom.....I mean it.....we've barely bonded at all for the past few years of my life this could be a chance to make it work 

Besides you can still relive the glory days like you did two months I always wanted to be a superhero growing up thanks to Ace savvy 

*Rita then turns to her supersuit in a cabinet and tones of fan mail from drawings to letters finally convincing Rita* 

Rita: *smirking* let's do this! 

*Soon a card comes out of the device Rita grabs it and Lincoln reads it* 

Tablet: this message will self destruct 

*Panicked the two throw it out of their house and high into the air that when it explodes it disorients a flock of ducks 

A few minutes later after having dinner Rita calls mirage* 

Mirage: *on the other line* hello? 

Rita: *on the phone* this is Mrs Incredible and Incrediboy.............we're in 

Edeemer17: sorry for this being so short........ but I wanted to separate the mission brief and Omnidroid fight from this 

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