Intruder alert/Lori confronts Rita & Lincoln

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* We cut to Syndrome looking at a rocket as Mirage speaks*

Mirage: They're not weak, you know.

Syndrome: What?

Mirage: Valuing life is not weakness.

Syndrome: Oh, hey. Look, look...if you're talking about what happened in the containment unit, I had everything under control.

Mirage: And disregarding it is not a strength.

Syndrome: I called Their bluff, sweetheart, that's all. I knew she wouldn't have it in her to actually...

Mirage: Next time you gamble, bet your own life.

*She leaves leaving Syndrome confused*

(Lori finds a way to sneak into the layer, when she spots the monorail.)

Lori: Okay, okay, okay.

(She jumps us and grabs one of the cars. Then she jumps on top of it, and then hangs off the side. She sees where the drones are parked before going into a tunnel. There's an opening in the tunnel showing a rocket, then closes again. Lori turns into a parachute to slow down before getting off. She almost got hit by another car but moved out of the way just in time. She walks back to look at the rocket again.)

[voices on radio]

Elastigirl: A rocket?

(Soon, she gets into a hallway with 2 guards guarding it, but she's hiding on the ceiling. She passes a mirror and looks at her big butt with it. Then, one guard comes in and walks through the hallway. Lori hid on the other side of a doorway before the guard walks past. As the guard gets his key card out to open another door, Lori backs up a bit and gets her leg stuck in the door behind her. The guard opens the door and Lori tries to get his key card. She was about to get the key card until the second door closed, making her body get stuck. As the guard goes into an elevator, another in it notices her.)

Guard: Hey!

(Lori punches both guards and one got knocked out before the other one closed the elevator door. She feels around for a bit until she feels the guard's face. She knocks him out too*

Lori: *smirking* Gotcha! 

*Soon a guard comes up to where Elastigirl's leg was stuck. Then, a car with 2 guards came through the hallway where Elastigirl's body was stretched and both of them fell off. They both point their guns at her. Then the guard at Lori's leg touched it, and she kicked him, causing him to go unconscious and for the gun to shoot rapidly. A bullet hit the key card scanner and opened the door. Lori's waist hit the other two guards, causing them to go unconscious. She grabbed the key card from the guard in the elevator and opened the elevator door, and opened the door she was stuck in. She soon hid the bodies in a compartment in the wall* 

*we cut to Luna trying to practice using her force field while Lynn gets bored*

Lynn: Well, not that this isn't fun, but I'm gonna go look around. *grabs a stick with fire on it*

Lisa: What do you think is going on here? You think we're on vacation or something?! Lori Lincoln and our female parental unit's lives could be in jeopardy or worse our family

Lynn: our family? So, the bad guys are trying to wreck our family

Luan: Oh, forget it. You're so immature

Lola: Dang and you guys call me and Lana the immature ones 

Lynn: Okay, I'm gonna go look around.

Leni: Lori said for us to totes to stay hidden.

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