Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"No! I hate you, Arden. You lied to me!" Tyler cried out and started to pack his things.

We were in the living room and everything was set up: the whiteboard, the markers, the projector, and the computer. Tyler also finished cooking three bowls of popcorn. I'm not sure how he managed that in the time I was setting up what I needed. He even managed to cozy up his space by draping a soft blanket over his couch and placing two pillows on each side of the armrest.

"Come on, Ty. We'll have a movie marathon; just help me out first." He stopped folding his blanket and turned to me with a sharp glare.

"No! By the time we finished, my popcorn won't be fresh and I will be sleepy. I don't want to stay up past bedtime." Tyler put his blanket inside his duffel bag and was about to transfer his popcorn into a paper bag when the doorbell rang.

"Are you sure, Tyler? You'll leave?" Tyler nodded furiously, looking so determined. "Even if I tell you that I ordered three containers of super-duper cheesy mac from B.C.?"

Tyler gasped out loud as he slowly turned to me, his jaw slack and his eyes wide as saucers. "C-Cheesy mac?" I nodded with a proud smile. "The most premium stuff that I can only afford to eat twice a month because it's so expensive?" I nodded again and I didn't miss his hard gulp. "You bought me three orders?"

"Yes, with extra bacon strips. I remembered that you also loved their apple pie so I bought a whole piece. I also added the coffee house blend that you loved so much and--"

"You don't need to sell it so much, Arden! I love you to the moon and back so you better pick up the orders or I will destroy everything in this house and eat your flesh and bones afterward." The seriousness in his eyes brought chills down my spine.

Most of the time, Tyler is a very rational human being with a heart of gold, but when it comes to food, he goes berserk. Especially when it comes to his favorites. Those foods that I ordered? Those are only for him. He never shares his food, not even with me, and that's saying something since he adores me so much. The only food he shared with me was a piece of candy which he gave to me because it melted and he hates melted candies.

"Goodness... chill, Ty. I'll get them." I held up my hands in surrender and ran to the door, gave the delivery man a generous tip, and dashed to where Tyler is who snatched the bags from my hold as he bared his claws and fangs at me as if I was going to harm him. Gosh. So testy. I let him get settled as he placed bags of food on the table. Then, he pulled his blanket back and draped it again over his couch.

He looked so happy while making his couch comfy and I felt guilty for not telling him that we won't have a movie marathon. That's why I spend almost two thousand dollars worth of food. That restaurant is very pricey but seeing Tyler get so happy from receiving his favorite food makes it all worth it.

The reason why Tyler only eats his favorite treats twice a month is that he's still paying for his student loans. His parents passed away when he was young and he was transferred into one foster family after another. His last foster family didn't have enough to pay for his college, thus, the student loans. I offered to pay half of his loans but he gave me the cold shoulder for two weeks. After that, I never attempted to bring up the topic again.

"Okay, I'm done. Now, tell me the real reason why we're here." Thank the heavens he's already in a good mood. Tyler reached for his coffee and motioned for me to explain.

"I promise to have a movie marathon with you but can you help me first with Mariano? Let's stalk his social media accounts."

"Sure. Hand the laptop over." I give him the laptop and connected the projector. "Where to, first?" Tyler speedily typed on the computer.

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