Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


As much as I would like to experience shower sex with Arden, he's pregnant and delicate and I don't want to put him in an uncomfortable situation. While Arden was in the dressing room, I sent a quick message to Zee who immediately called me.

"Jinnie said that as long as you do not devour him like a wild beast, sex is okay."

"You told Jin? This was supposed to be a private conversation!"

I heard him scoff. "Stop acting like a virgin, Mariano," Zee deadpanned. I can already picture him rolling his eyes. "Jin is more informed when it comes to carriers; he's the best one to ask for advice."

I blew a breath and brushed my hair back. "Thanks. Tell Jin I'm grateful."

"Just don't cripple him, okay?"

I snorted. "I'm not you, fucker."

Zee chuckled. "Well, my Jinnie can take me, so that's impossible. But that's not a bad idea, huh? There's so much I want to do." I felt chills from Zee's words, and we're not even talking in person. When it comes to Jin, Zee's dark and twisted personality comes out. Yet Jin still calls Zee an angel. Both of them are not right in the head.

"I'm hanging up, Zee. Thanks!" I had to before Zee describes in a graphic manner how he's going to take Jin to cloud nine. I do not want to hear that. I did before and I almost exploded from embarrassment. I thought I had experience but Zee takes the cake. I'm amazed that Jin allows Zee to explore his sexuality like that. When I say explore, Zee only does that to Jin. Zee loves his Jinnie, after all.

All of my thoughts were silenced and my eyes only focused on Arden when he stepped out of the dressing room only wearing my shirt and his cotton boxers. How can someone look so enchanting in such simple clothing? "Beautiful," I mumbled in trance and Arden released a shy smile, a soft blush on his cheeks.

"I know, but when you say it, I feel butterflies," Arden admitted and stopped in front of me. His sweet scent wafted in the air, making my gums tingle, shooting directly to my lower region. His skin looks soft to touch and when he caressed my face, all I could do was lean into his touch.

I don't understand how a person's touch and warmth can make me feel like home. It feels like finding my inner peace after fighting a hundred battle. Arden's touch always gives the effect of being in heaven, if heaven means feeling of contentment and peace.

When I looked at him, Arden's hazel eyes was glistening in tears. He blinked them away and smiled softly, then leaned in pressed his lips on my forehead. I was so touched that it got me choked up. Oh, to be loved by Arden is a miracle in itself.

"Thank you for coming back safe and sound, Mariano," he whispered and all I could do was nod and with a staggering breath, I pulled him into my lap. He stared at me intently, removing some strands away from my face. I have never seen such beautiful eyes. When I look at him, I get so lost in his gaze. His eyes are hypnotic and full of enigma; just when I think I can read him, he throws me off.

Arden cupped my cheeks, leaned in, his lips hovering over mine. I swallowed hard and my hands settled on his waist. We were so close, our breath mixing, the sexual charge gradually increasing. My mouth dried up when I saw desire hidden within the depths of Arden's stare, and when he finally pressed his soft lips on mine, I was blown away.

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