Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

It had been a month since I moved into Mariano's mansion, a month of suspicious peace. I had expected someone to attempt an ambush in the past few days. The word had spread in the underworld that Mariano was harboring a lover in his lair. A lover? Psh. This is how fake news spreads.

It was Hal who informed me about my newfound fame in their world.

"Arden, many people from our world wants to meet you, you know?"

"Hmm? Why is that?" I was busy scrolling in my phone for Mariano's past interviews. Apparently, he's avoiding any kind of interview because he doesn't want to keep me entertained. It's a good thing that he didn't order Hal to take the past videos down. When I asked him the reason why, he just smiled a little and ruffled my hair.

'I'm not that harsh, you know. I like seeing you happy.'

Those lines would be enough to make me fall, but nah. Aside from a brief flutter in my chest, I felt nothing. I was just touched that he can be that considerate. Also, he said that, so why does he avoids interviews? I'm getting annoyed just thinking about it.

"Well, news has spread that you are Mariano's lover and everyone has been calling you a beast tamer." Hal set down a cup of matcha latte in front of me paired with a matcha donut.

My head snapped up, a confused expression on my face. Trying to process that information, all I could manage to utter was, "What?" in disbelief.

"Wait a second. Back up for a moment. Let me break down what you just said. I'm Mariano's lover?" Hal nodded, taking a bite of his all-meat sub. "How did that happen?"

"Boss has been wrapping up his businesses quickly. Before, he used to ensure that everyone was thoroughly beaten before he left. Now, he just shoots them in the head to get home faster. This has led to the theory that he has a lover who's finally managed to tame the beast."

I blinked slowly and heaved a deep sigh, taking a sip of my latte. "Hal, you might think you've explained it all to me clearly, but honestly, I don't understand a thing. My mind was blown when you mentioned 'tile' and 'red'."

I just can't believe that people would actually believe that theory. Mariano and I are friends. He had initially blackmailed me, but I realized being with him was safer for my child. If there were mafia groups out there ready to harm me, the best decision was to be under Mariano's protection.

Living with him was easy. I'd put my work at the art museum on hold to focus on my pregnancy. Since I was cooperating with Mariano, he provided me with everything I needed and more. We went shopping every weekend and indulged in out-of-town trips. Exploring new cuisines and taking long drives in different states became our routine. Next week, we were even planning to visit Japan to sample their delicacies and experience their culture.

Aunt Becca and River calls me every week. River is also allowed to visit me here but he should be escorted by Mariano's men. During this time, Mariano does not go home for the night because I have River with me and he wants us to spend time together.

"Hold up. Mariano has too much time in his hands, Hal. I mean, we go out every weekend, and he's here almost everyday. Even when he goes out, by the time I wake up from my afternoon nap, he's already downstairs, with his laptop, in the living room," I added with a soft gasp and looked at Hal with wide eyes.

"Told ya. It's no wonder they call you the beast tamer. Also, he does not whine anymore when it comes to his duties. He finishes them early so he can go home quickly."

Warmth spread in my chest when I heard those words. I never thought Mariano could be so thoughtful. Did I take his presence for granted? It just dawned on me that Mariano always made time for me, even though he was a mafia boss with a packed schedule. When I moved in, I had expected to be alone most of the time, but every day turned out to be wonderful. Each day was filled with vibrancy, joy, and peace. I enjoyed living here, and Mariano had ensured that I lived in this comforting environment.

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