Chapter 2

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^ Cafe x2

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^ Cafe x2

Hunter's POV

Jennifer's hand wrapped annoyingly tight around mine as we got back to the packhouse, her eyes going to mine as she bit her lip.

"I can stay with you tonight alpha."

My skin crawled as she straightened her back, making her breasts more prominent.

I felt Cole, my wolf growl as she tried to pull us up to my room.

He had no interest in the girl, he wanted his mate.

Releasing my hand from hers I stepped back, making sure to avoid touching her.

"I have work to do, lunch was nice. Though I do not believe it will happen again. If you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work."

Her face morphed into anger as I spoke, her hands curling into fists.

"Why? Because of that bitchy waitress? She's a waitress!"

A growl slipped through my lips, silencing her. Taking a step back she huffed, before running out of the door.

Ignoring the temper tantrum, I walked up the stairs to the top floor, heading straight to my office.

I need to work, anything to take my mind off of the girl at the café.

Mate! Cole growled.

I know!

Go to mate.

We can't, she's human and she thinks I was on a date twenty minutes ago. If we go back now, she'll think we're a player.

With a growl he blocked me out, retreating into the back of my mind.

With a sigh I sat at my desk, determined to take my mind off of my beautiful mate.

Two hours later a knock sounded at my door, pulling me from my work...

By work I mean fantasising about my mate, in two hours I haven't gotten a single thing done.

They knocked again.

"Come in."

The door opened and in walked Conrad, my best friend and second in command.

He strolled in, collapsing on the couch, his feet hanging off the end.

"Well? How did it go?"


Rolling his eyes, he chuckled.

"You're new to dating, I'm sure we can repair the damage. Just ask her on a second date."

A growl slipped through my lips.


"Why? You agreed, we need a Luna."

"I found my mate." I admitted.

Conrad's eyes flew to mine, sitting up he fist bumped the air.

"No way, dude this is awesome. Who is she? What's her name? Is she here?"

Shaking my head, I watched my friend as he shot off question after question. A smile tugging at my lips at his eagerness.

"She works in the café we were having our date in."

Conrad chuckled.

"Awkward. So, what's her name?"

I paused, realising I had no idea.

I hadn't even asked her name.

Cole growled again.

I'm an idiot.


"I don't know."

Conrad's eyebrows furrowed as he watched me.

"You don't know? Why not? Did you talk to her?"

"Not really, she's human and thought I was on a date. Didn't really seem like the best time to hit on her."

Nodding, Conrad scratched his chin. Considering my predicament.

"You should go back tomorrow, you said she works there, right? So, go back. Tell her you were on a blind date or something and that it was awful."

Thinking through it, I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders.

"That might actually work."

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