Chapter 9

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Zoey's POV

When I woke to an empty bed, my stomach dropped.

He left?

Dressing, I left the room in search of comfort food. Cliché I know.

As the smell of bacon filled my nose my stomach grumbled.

Standing in my tiny kitchen, Hunter stood, leaning over the stove. His eyes trained on the food sizzling in the pan.

My eyes trailed over his shirtless back, every toned muscle completely on view.

He kept cooking, completely unaware I was ogling him like a piece of meat.

Damn this man is fine.

Slowly, he grabbed a plate, filling it before doing the same to another.

Leaning against the island, I waited for him to finish.

His eyes locked on to me as he turned around, his cheeks darkening as he places the plates on the counter.

"Smells great."

His smile widened as he sat beside me at the kitchen island.

"I'm not much of a cook, so hopefully it will taste as good as it smells."

With a laugh, I took a bite, aware that he was watching my expression.

As the bacon hit my tastebuds, I let out a small moan.

"It tastes amazing."

With a wide smile he turned his attention to his own food.

We both ate in a comfortable silence, enjoying our breakfast.

Once we had finished, I grabbed the plates, setting them in the sink.

"Do you have any plans today?" Hunter asked as he joined me, helping to clean the kitchen.

"I have to work, I need the overtime pay. But I finish at two."

A look I can't put my finger on crossed his face before he shook it off, a smile replacing it and he nodded.

"I can meet you here at two thirty?"

With a nod, I cleared the clean plates away before going back into the bedroom, Hunter close behind.

We both got dressed, neither of us willing to stray far from the other.

My body automatically moves when he moves, as if there's a rope tying us together.

When we had finished, we both left the apartment, locking the door behind us, I felt a ball form in my stomach at the thought of leaving him. even if it is only for the day.

We both walked slowly towards his truck, neither of us in a rush to say goodbye.

As we reached the truck, Hunters hand clasped mine, tugging me towards him.

Before I can understand his motives, his mouth finds mine.

His lips soft, his chin rough with the slightest stubble tickling my skin.

I could feel his hardness press against me as he pulled me in closer.

My body yearned for him, and I found myself wishing with every fibre of my being that we didn't have to separate. Disconnecting his lips from mine, he placed a kiss on my forehead before pulling away.

I knew my lips were swollen and my cheeks flushed but I didn't care.

Reaching up on my tip toes I placed a soft kiss on his lips before turning and walking away. Leaving a flushed looking Hunter to watch me leave.

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