Chapter 4

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Zoey's POV

"You'd be surprised." He whispers, standing up as he brushes the grass off of himself before reaching a handout to me.

Eyeing his hand cautiously, I take it. Letting him pull me to my feet.

His fingers lace with mine as he leads us to the water. His expression thoughtful as he stares out at it.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm usually swimming when I come here, I never really take the time to look at it properly I suppose."

"Is it nice? To swim in, I mean?" I asked sceptical, the water looked clear and warm, but the location is making me believe it would be painfully cold at night.

"It's amazing, there's something about this part of the river, maybe it's the waterfall but it almost feels like a hot spring."

Tentatively I reach a handout, running my fingers through the water. He's right, it's warm.

"If we had swim wear, I would suggest, swimming underneath the moon." Hunter murmured, almost sounding frustrated he didn't think of it.

I don't know where the sudden confidence came from, but I found myself saying.

"We don't really need them, do we? I think my underwear probably covers more than my bikini anyway."

Hunter's eyes flew to mine, the once pale blue appearing almost black in the moonlight.

"Unless of course, you're not comfortable with that." I whisper, suddenly embarrassed. After all I did just suggest we get naked on the first date.

"No, I mean yes, yes." He stuttered, his hand covering his face as he groaned.

"I meant to say yes, I'm comfortable with that."

Laughing, I took my shoes off. Followed by my jeans. When I pulled my shirt over my head, I caught Hunter staring at me. His mouth open as he stands there still fully clothed.

"You okay there Hunter?"

His eyes trail my body, before locking with mine.

His cheeks redden as he realised, I caught him, rushing he started undressing.

Smiling, I walk into the warm water. Relishing the sensation of it against my skin. By the time I made it to the deeper water, just touching my chin, Hunter had stripped to his boxers.

God damn.

I thought he was hot clothed, but apparently it gets so much better. The light from the moon reflected against the water, lighting him up perfectly.

Even from this distance I could make out every well-defined muscle as he stepped into the water joining me.

Maybe Seth's idea wasn't so bad, one night of passionate bliss. It had been awhile since I was with anyone and that was Sam. And one word to describe my ex in bed would be selfish. But something about Hunter makes me think he would be extremely generous. Judging from the extremely tight boxers, very well endowed too.

Fighting the urge to drool, I lie on my back. Floating on the water, staring up at the millions of lights filling the night sky.

Water splashes me as Hunter swims up to me, his gaze following mine.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispered.

"My mother would have loved this, being able to see the stars. She grew up in the city, where it's too bright to see anything."

"We'll have to bring her out here some time, so she can see it."

My heart ached as I whispered. "She died when I was fifteen."

Hunters hand gripped my shoulder, his eyes sad.

"I'm sorry love."

"Don't be, it was a long time ago. To be honest it's nice talking about her, I haven't been able to in a while."

"Tell me about her."

Smiling, my eyes met his.

"She was fearless, kind, protective. The kind of person you can't help but love. My friends loved her, boyfriends not so much. They were all terrified of her."

A laugh slipped through my lips as I recalled my fifteenth birthday.

"She caught a boy in my room once when I was fifteen. She made him cry, before chasing him down the stairs. When my father ran out, he took one look at Tommy and just said, 'Sorry, you're on your own son. I'd run if I were you' before he hid in the kitchen. Tommy ran out of the house, my mother not far behind. I don't know what she said to him, but he didn't speak to me again. I swear even after she died, I think he was worried she'd haunt him."

Hunter laughed with me as we both stood in the warm water. Hunters arm wrapped comfortably around my waist, holding me against him.

"I wonder if she would have chased me off too, if she were here." Hunter mused.

"It wouldn't surprise me." Chuckling his eyes fell to my lips before he leaned in closer.

My heart raced in my chest as his lips connected with mine, sending electricity coursing through my entire body. I've never felt anything like this before, the need that's consuming me whole.

My body wants this man, I want this man.

Relaxing into the kiss, my fingers run through his hair. Gripping it tightly, causing him to let out an almost animalistic growl.

Holy crap.

Who knew growling could be sexy?

His tongue expertly collided with mine, pulling a moan through my lips.

I pulled him closer to me as his hands moved down the curves of my body before one landed on my butt squeezing it tightly. Whilst the other found my core, his fingers gliding over the thin fabric.

Groaning I couldn't help but buck my hips towards him, rubbing against his hand.

His lips disconnected from mine, trailing kisses down my neck. His teeth grazed my shoulder, another moan leaving me.

The sensation of his mouth on my skin whilst his fingers expertly teased me was overwhelming.

A gasp left my lips as his finger slid inside me, almost shattering me right then and there.

I rocked against him as he dragged out my pleasure, building tension in my body as his thumb circled my clit. His growl of approval and the way he continued working me only made everything more intense.

I lost myself to the moment as pleasure cut through me, making me cry out into the night.

I was panting as he dragged his finger out, slowly letting it glide over me.

"Damn." He mumbled against my neck.

"Yeah." I agreed, chest heaving as I tried to steady my breathing.

His tongue slid over my neck, and he caught my earlobe between his teeth.

"Damn you're beautiful pressed up against me like this."

Giggling I felt my cheeks heat under his intense gaze.

The throbbing in my body intensified as his eyes darkened. I was dripping wet in every damn way as his hands roamed my body. Tracing his fingers along the curve of my spine, finally landing on my thighs.

Need built up inside me and I would have happily fucked him right here in the water.

He seemed to have other ideas as he lifted my thighs, wrapping them around him before he walked out of the water.

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