Chapter 6

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Zoey's POV

The sun shined through the window, waking me.

Stretching, I felt a massive arm around me. Caging me in.

Turning, I found Hunter, his expression peaceful as he slept.

The sun kisses his face, making everything look perfect, from his strong jaw to his messy hair.

Forcing myself to look away and not creepily watch him sleep, my eyes explored the room.

Its massive, his bedroom is bigger than my whole apartment...

My stomach grumbled, deciding to leave Hunter to sleep. I shuffled out of his grip.

Grabbing his shirt and my panties I got dressed and left the room.

Eager for food, or at the very least a coffee and a bathroom.

As I made my way through the massive house, I couldn't help but be in awe of it.

The walls were white stone, higher than I could even attempt to reach.

The floors wood, polished oak, so beautiful. Every imperfection in the wood only made it look unique.

After a few wrong turns I managed to locate the kitchen.

Making a pot of coffee, I grabbed a bowl of cherries form the fridge.

Normally I wouldn't be so comfortable in someone else's house. But something about this over-the-top mansion felt like home.

"Who are you?" Someone growled.

Tensing, I turned around to find a stunning girl, maybe nineteen, with her hands on her hips as she glared at me.

"Hello, are you dumb? Why are you in my house?"

My stomach dropped.

He doesn't live alone.

He's not single...

"Zoey, my name is Zoey."

She stopped, her eyes widening as she sniffed the air.

"You're the waitress, right?"

As I nodded, she jumped, squealing.


A second later an older woman came in, tugging two children. A boy and girl, maybe 10 years old.

The woman looked the spitting image of her daughter, same light brown hair, green eyes.

"What are you yelling about Anna?"

"It's her, Hunters mate."

The woman's eyes shot to me as they widened, a smile filling her face.

"Jonathan." The woman yelled, causing me to jump.

A man joined them, standing behind her. His arm wrapped around her waist.

"You screamed, my love?"

"We have a guest, Hunter's mate has joined us."

His eyes widened before turning to me, a smile covering his face.


There's that word again.

His gaze remained on me as I shuffled, trying to cover more of myself with Hunter's shirt.

What have I gotten myself into?

"Oh, how rude of us. We haven't introduced ourselves. My name is Rachel, this is my mate, Jonathan. We're Hunter's parents." The woman explained, her hand gesturing to the man behind her.

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