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Jacob laid his hand upon Kaitlyn's forehead as she snuggled in close. Tucking her head under his chin, she wrapped a long, smooth arm around his chest. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling, her breath warm against his neck.

There was so much to experience when it came to human love. He hadn't known. Even as he'd felt his feelings for the girl grow over the course of the last several days, he hadn't expected all the sensations he was experiencing right now to be so strong. Not even as one of The Fallen, in all his rage and hatred, had he felt such intensity.

Not even with God.

And it wasn't just the emotional. It was the physical too. Though their lovemaking was over, his body continued to throb. He could still feel the pleasure of it deep down in his pelvis. His skin was hot. His fingertips were tingling strangely but pleasantly.

He looked down at himself. His pants remained open and he could see the long, thick shaft of his male appendage. It was still hard but wilting quickly.

She'd enjoyed it. He'd heard it in her cry. He'd seen it in her face. He'd felt it when he'd been deep inside her. The experience had been incomparable. And it wasn't just because of the pleasure. In fact, it wasn't really about that at all. It was the connection he'd felt. The moment he'd entered her, something had lifted inside him. Something remarkable. Something almost akin to the feeling of God's love he'd come to know so well. He hadn't expected that. He hadn't expect the love between a man and woman to be so powerful. Or, in this case, between an angel and a woman. He'd never felt so close to anyone in all his long life.

Maybe not even God.

It shook him a little. And still he felt it, that love, that powerful affection, like a warm glow in the middle of his chest. He gazed down upon her. She was already asleep, her breaths long and slow. The early morning sun had only just started to rise, a grey gloom creeping in through the window. For now, Kaitlyn's long dark hair gleamed against the light of his aura. Gently, he played with it, smoothing its lengths between his fingers. Her dark eyelashes fanned her cheeks. There was a pink blush to her face. She'd never looked so beautiful. He knew he'd loved her before but now the feeling was almost a pain.

Jacob raised his eyes to the ceiling, enjoying the rise and fall of her chest, enjoying the feel of her heartbeat. So far, it seemed, Satan was leaving her alone to dream in peace. Jacob hoped it stayed that way.

He could sense his brother angels. They were watching closely. They all knew what he'd done. He could feel their worry and their fears. What was going to happen next was anyone's guess. There had only been a handful of cases where an angel and a human had united. All angels knew what the ultimate sacrifice would be—the angel involved would lose God's light, he would lose His power—but as to the sequence of events leading up to it, all they could do was wait and see.

He couldn't deny he was nervous. When he had become one of The Fallen, he remembered how painful it had been. To have God's light wrenched away was a terrible thing. It would be worth it, though, if it meant protecting Kaitlyn. She was worth it. He feared but did not regret.

Jacob closed his eyes as he waited. Kaitlyn hardly stirred in his arms. Her breathing didn't change. It seemed his plan was working. Time passed slowly. The abbey was quiet. Outside in the fields he could only perceive peace. Satan's forces were far away, blind and deaf to their whereabouts. The hallowed ground of the abbey was powerful, shielding Kaitlyn from malicious senses.

After some time, when the sun's bright morning light began to glare against Jacob's face, still nothing had happened. Jacob felt the same. And he began to wonder if his situation might prove to be different. He had God's blessing, after all. His heart was pure. Perhaps he would not have to make such a terrible sacrifice like those few who'd come before him. Perhaps he could love Kaitlyn and still retain God's divine light.

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