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Kaitlyn was sitting in the nave as she awaited Jacob's return.

Two nuns looked at her, then dropped their faces as they hurried away down the hall. Kaitlyn frowned.

At the sound of footsteps, she stood. He hadn't taken long. She raised her eyebrows. He was marching down the hall with his eyes to the floor, shoulders hunched, fists clenched at his sides.

'Something wrong?'

He stopped and raised his face. His jaw was hard and his lips were thin. He quickly tried to clear his expression but it was too late. 'We have to leave.'

Her eyebrows shot up higher. 'What? Why? Have they found us?'


'Then tell me what happened. What did the abbess want?'

He gave a resigned sigh. 'She does not approve of our relationship. She will not tolerate our presence any longer.'

Kaitlyn stared, surprised and yet not surprised. It certainly explained the nuns' strange behaviour. She remembered how loud she and Jacob had been during their lovemaking last night. She tried not to blush but she felt the blood heat up her face anyway.

'She wants us to leave immediately,' he said.

Her eyes widened. 'Now? Does she not care why we're here?'

Jacob pressed his finger to his lips as a nun walked past. He looked towards the entry doors. 'I must tell the others. Pack up your things. We leave within the hour.'

Kaitlyn was trembling as she returned to her room. It was nerve-racking to go back on the run again, especially since she was starting to like the place. She was even starting to feel safe.

Looking around her room, Kaitlyn realised that she really had nothing to pack. All she had was her nightie, her slippers, a bag of toiletries and the clothes on her back. It made her sad to think what her life had been reduced to. Sitting down on her bed, she looked around. Her room. When again would she have her own room?

She rested her hand against the mattress. Jacob had made love to her for the first time here. This was where they'd said that they loved each other. This was where he'd transformed into the wonderful creature he was now. This was where she'd finally been able to confront Satan. She'd only been here a few days and yet so much had happened.

She was going to miss the place.

Ten minutes later, Kaitlyn was walking down the hall carrying a small sack over her shoulder filled with her few things. Her slippers slapped lightly against the cold, stone floor. The plain dress the nuns had made for her swayed around her knees. The further she walked, the more the back of her neck prickled. The hair rose up on her arms. She would be in danger again very soon.

She stopped. Grace did the same as she entered the hall at the other end. Kaitlyn felt a twist in her guts.

The young nun lowered her eyes. 'I'm sorry.'

'So you know.'

The young nun didn't answer.

'I'm sorry, too,' Kaitlyn continued.

'Where are you going to go?'

Kaitlyn shrugged. 'It's always a mystery until I get there.' She forced a smile. 'Hey, don't worry! It's an adventure.'

The girl frowned, unconvinced by her clumsy lie, then approached her. Kaitlyn braced herself but had nothing to worry about. The young nun kissed her cheek, then gave a little bob of her head. 'You'll be in my prayers.'

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