Chapter 10: Long Lost Uncle

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Mirabel and (Y/n) followed the rats up the stairs and down the hall. They rounded the corner and saw one of the rats squeezing itself behind a picture frame.

Mirabel knelt down and poked the frame, and it creaked. She pulled it open to reveal a secret passage.

Mirabel and (Y/n) climbed through it and made their way inside. The cracks were happening inside the walls too.

(Y/n) gasped and grabbed Mirabel's arm when a rat ran passed her feet towards a misty part of the tunnel.

The piece in its mouth seemed to leviate in the air, until lightning flashed revealing the silhouette of a figure.

The two girls gasped in shock before the figure ran away. The two snapped out of their stunned state and chased after him.

The figure jumped up to a higher level, while the two slid down to a lower one. They looked up at him as he ran and made his way down some stairs. Mirabel and (Y/n) slid on the ground breaking the bottom stair so they could get out.


"It's okay, Mamí. Deep breath in, deep breath out." Camilo said soothingly to his mother as he held a cup of tea in his hands.

Suddenly, Mirabel rammed into the wall behind her, causing Pepa to shoot a lightning bolt that hit Camilo, causing him to shift into different people.


Mirabel and (Y/n) were still chasing after the man.

"Stop! Stop!" Mirabel yelled at him.

She almost grabbed him, but he leapt over a large hole in the ground by bouncing off of boards that were sticking out.

Mirabel froze and held her hand out to stop (Y/n).

They looked up and saw the figure round a corner. They took a deep and leapt across the hole, but as they landed on the other side, the boards underneath them gave away and they fell.

Mirabel grabbed a bamboo support with one hand, and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand with the other. The weight was a bit too much for the bamboo stick and it started to break.

"No! No! Help! Help..." she called.

"Casita! Casita!" (Y/n) cried.

"Help us! Help us!" Mirabel yelled, as her hand slipped from the stick.

But before they fell, a hand grabbed Mirabel's. They looked up and saw Bruno looking down at them.

"You're very sweaty." He commented.

Suddenly, the boards underneath him gave away too. Luckily, (Y/n) grabbed a branch with her hand. Mirabel held onto her Tío's hand while her other hand was still grasping (Y/n)'s.

They both looked down at Bruno, who smiled up at them, just as a rat crawled out of his sleeve and up his arm.

This scared Mirabel and she accidentally let go of Bruno's hand and he fell into the misty abyss.

After a few moments though, his head popped up out of the fog.

He waved his hand to reveal the floor was only a few feet away from the hole.

"Hmm." He said.

Mirabel and (Y/n) helped him up and he looked down the hole and back at the two.

"Bye." Was all he said and he walked away.

"Wait what? Nuh-uh. Hold on!" (Y/n) marched after him, Mirabel following behind her.

(Y/n) scurried after him. "Wait, wait! Why did you take the vision?"

My Precious FlowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora