Chapter 15: Dos Oruguitas

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Everyone was looking for Mirabel, but so far, none of them had any luck.

A shadow of a figure approached a path and saw a single piece of yarn hanging from a branch.


Mirabel was down by a river, her knees pulled up to her chest and her head buried in her arms as she cried.

She kept crying to herself until she heard footsteps next to her.

"Mirabel?" It was Abuela.

Mirabel wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt us. I just wanted to be something I'm not." She sniffled.

Abuela sat down next to her. "I've never been able to come back here. This river is where we were given our miracle."

Mirabel looked up at her. "Where...Abuelo Pedro..."

"I thought we would have a different life. I though I would be a different woman."


A young Alma approached the town square and grabbed a candle. She looked around the crowd trying to see, and hopped up onto a lamp post. A butterfly flew past her and she followed it and saw a man named Pedro standing on another lamp post.

Pedro looked over and waved at her. She waved back and nearly slipped off the lamp post, and the two laughed.

"Two caterpillars"


The two were now sitting by a fountain, eating and laughing with one another.

"In love."


Pedro and Alma were now standing at an alter on their wedding day.

"Spend their nights and dawns."

They looked at each other and kissed, putting their foreheads together after they pulled away.


"Full of hunger."

Alma held up a paper cut out of a baby and held it in front of Pedro, who had his eyes closed.

"They keep walking."

Pedro opened his eyes and gasped. Then Alma pulled the cut out open, showing three babies. Pedro's jaw fell open and he fainted on the bed.

"That changes and keeps changing."

Alma laughed as he pulled her down on the bed with him.


Pedro and Alma were looking at their babies lovingly.

"Two caterpillars stop the wind."

A flash outside their window caught their attention. They looked outside and saw people lighting houses on fire as others screamed and ran.

"As they hold each other with warmth and consent."


Alma and Pedro looked into the triplets bedroom before closing the door.

"Keep growing, they don't know when."

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