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Lorelei knocked hesitantly on the portrait to the Gryffindor common room

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Lorelei knocked hesitantly on the portrait to the Gryffindor common room.

On one hand, she wanted to check and make sure Lily was alright.

On the other, there was a pretty decent chance she could run into Potter.

"You're an interesting student, you know."

Looking up at the portrait, Lorelei responded, "Why thank you."

The portrait swung outward, and Lorelei came face to face with Remus Lupin. Instinctively, a smile bloomed on her face, "Remus."

"Hey Lorelei. What are you doing here?"

She hesitated, "I came to check on Lily." She paused, "Is Potter in there?"

Remus chuckled, "The common room? No. He locked himself in our dorm room and demanded to be left alone." He scratched the back of his neck, "From what I heard, Lily's done similar."

"So she's in her dorm?" She asked as she stepped through the portrait hole.

"That she is, but I can't guarantee she'll accept visitors." He gave a shy smile and waved before joining Peter and Sirius on one of the red couches.

Waving briefly at the other boys, Lorelei made the short trek up the stairs leading to the girls' dorms. "Lily?" She knocked on the door she knew belonged to the redhead.

"Who is it?" A distressed sounding Lily called through the door.

"Lorelei. I made the long trek from the Great Hall all the way here just to make sure you were-"

The door burst open and Lily fell into a hug. Immediately hugging her back, Lorelei waited a moment before asking, "Do you want to talk about it?"

Lily pulled back and nodded, her face puffy and red with tears streaming down her cheeks. She motioned for her to go first and shut the door behind them.

Lorelei led her over to a window seat where they both sat across from each other. "What happened?" Lorelei whispered.

Covering her eyes, Lily said with a scratchy throat, "I didn't mean to blow up on him, and I know I hurt his feelings but he wouldn't leave me alone and when I asked he just laughed it off and kept talking to me." She bit down on her lip and more tears fell from her eyes, "And hell, I got angry with him and I blew up."

"You do understand that it is normal to get upset with people? Especially with people you care about. He wasn't listening to you and he wasn't respecting your feelings."

Lily leaned her head back, "I feel awful because I know what I said hurt him and now he's going to hate me. I didn't want to destroy our friendship, acquaintance-ship or whatever we have." She sighed, "He's a good, kind person. He's just not my kind of man."

Taking her hand, Lorelei caught her eyes, "You don't need to feel guilty for making him listen to how you felt. Yes, the situation could have been approached differently but honestly I don't think he would've taken your words to heart if you kept a calm approach with him. It's going to hurt for a while, but eventually you'll both pull through."

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