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"I've thought about it

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"I've thought about it."

"About what?"

"The project."


"And, I think it's best if I shift gears."


"Originally I was deciding between Potter and Black, right?"


"So, I've been thinking that since Potter is just," She let out a puff of air, "A whole mess. Why don't I go back to that part of the project? 'Rewrite' that part of the essay, so to speak."

Melissa tilted her head, "What happened to 'crushing' Potter?"

Lorelei sighed, "It's become more complicated than that now. My goal was to get him off of Lily, and I'm ninety percent sure that he's given up or at least stopped trailing her like a dog. So, in a more calculating move, I think it would be better to leave Potter in his own sad world of being dumped, and I can go for the next best option."

"Black." Liz stated, shifting where she sat on the bed, "And how are you going to do that?"

"What do you mean? He's not been dubbed 'Sirius -I would snog anyone- Black' for nothing."

Melissa raised her brows, "Yeah he might snog you, but the whole point of the project was to stir drama and topple their iron grip of the gossip at Hogwarts. So snogging him might get people talking for a few days maybe."

Pacing in front of the two, Lorelei rubbed her eyes, "I know, I've got to get him to date me."

"You know," Liz cut in, "All things considered, as far as stirring drama goes you're in a decent spot. You've publicly had a weird almost friendship with Potter, and now you're going to be snogging his best friend. If I were a gossip, I'd eat that up."

Lorelei paused her pacing. "You're not wrong."

"Who knows, maybe Potter will yell at you again." Melissa said, leaning back on the bed with her elbows.

Smiling, Lorelei glanced at her, "Oh I hope so."

Liz looked up at the clock, "Well, we have seven minutes until dinner."

Checking the clock also, Lorelei slipped on a pair of shoes, "Well there's no time like the present."

Walking into the Great Hall, Lorelei felt more invigorated than she had in months. First, she noticed Potter, Black, Pettigrew, and Lupin were already eating at their table. Second, she began to form a loose plan in her mind as she walked to the ravenclaw table with Liz and Melissa. "I think I've got it." Lorelei announced as they sat.

"Got a plan, you mean?" Melissa asked.

Nodding, Lorelei quickly ate an apple and two sausage links before wiping off her hands and standing up from the table, "Phase two, part two is in play." She said before turning, beelining for Sirius.

Approaching the group, Potter was unfortunately the one who noticed her first. "Lorelei," he said, standing, "do you need something?" He asked politely, yet distantly.

Plastering a smile on her face, she responded sweetly, "Not from you." Looking down, she met Sirius's gaze, "I need your help."

Sirius pointed to himself, "Me?"

Nodding, Lorelei grabbed his arm and pulled him up. "Yes, you. Come quickly, it's urgent."

Scrambling out of his seat, Sirius followed her just as quickly as she led him away. Leaving a confused Potter standing at the table.

"What did you need?"

Lorelei dragged him down the corridor, "Well Sirius, I have a question for you." Pausing next to a window, Lorelei sighed, "But I couldn't ask you in front of Potter."

Sirius looked confused, "Why not?"

"Because Potter and I don't get along." She said simply, "And I didn't need him intruding."

"So what did you need to ask me?" Crossing his arms, Sirius waited for her answer.

Scanning his face, Lorelei said in a lower tone, "Would you like to go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?"

Sirius's expression changed at least four times before it settled on 'surprised'. "Pardon me?"

Smiling, she asked again. "Sirius, would you go with me to Hogsmeade tomorrow, on a date?"

"Are you asking me out?"

Licking her lips, Lorelei looked him up and down, "Yeah what else would I be doing?"

Chuckling somewhat nervously, Sirius looked back toward the great hall, "I don't know if James would-"

"I do not care what Potter wants. I am asking you if you want to go to Hogsmeade." Tilting her head, Lorelei baited him and asked, "Unless you really can't make decisions on your own."

Straightening his back, Sirius answered firmly, "No, of course I can make my own decisions. I just value James, he's like a brother to me and his opinions matter to me."

Lorelei laughed, "Okay? I don't go to my sister whenever I need dating advice." Smiling, she played nice, "Listen Sirius, it's a yes or no answer. I won't force you to say yes if you don't want to."

Looking her up and down, he responded slowly, "I want to, it's just-"

"I know, I know. Potter."

He smiled softly, "With your odd enemy-friend relationship, I don't want to step on his toes."

Stepping slightly closer, Lorelei asked, "And you've never done anything to step on his toes before?"

Giving her a look, he answered, "Obviously I have, but never on purpose."

Another step, and she said quietly, "How about this? We go on our date and if Potter is upset about it you can shift the blame onto me, I'll take responsibility, and I'll never look at you again. Deal?"

Slowly, he nodded, "Okay, but how will you make it your fault? Dating is kind of a two way street."

"I could tell him I slipped you some love poison?"

"Potion," Sirius corrected.

"Not from where I'm standing."

Pursing his lips, Sirius continued, "Alright. I'll go to Hogsmeade with you."

Smiling triumphantly, Lorelei said quickly, "Brilliant. I'll meet you on the walk there?"

Nodding, Sirius smiled again, "I'll see you there, Lorelei."

Lorelei waved as she walked away, shaking her hands and blowing air.

Phase two, part two, section one: asking Sirius out - done.

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