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"I need help

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"I need help."


"Well, it's more like I need advice."

"Not that I'm not happy to help, Sirius, but don't you have friends for that? Wouldn't they be more equipped to help you?"

"But you have more..." He hesitated. "Experience."

Lorelei raised both her eyebrows, "Is this about shagging someone? Because I don't really-"

"No, it's not about shagging, Lorelei. Godric." Sirius wiped his hand over his face, "I am just confused."

"Okay," Lorelei drawled, "What are you confused about?"

Sirius gave Lorelei a hard stare. She could almost see the cogs turning in his head through his eyes as he stared at her. "You've snogged a girl, right? Other than Lily?"

Blinking slowly, Lorelei tried to figure out what his point might be. "I have." She admitted cautiously.

Sirius's unflinching stare did not relent, "And you said you knew you were," Sirius gestured generally at her as he searched for the right word, "Into both men and women by your fourth year?'

A small, still confused, smile crept onto Lorelei's expression, "Yes?" Lorelei took a step closer to him, "What's your point?"

"How do you distinguish your feelings between platonic and romantic?"

Realization washed over Lorelei like a light summer breeze. Subtle, gentle, and warm, the realization brought a smile to her face, "Are you confused because you're feeling attraction toward men?"

"No," Sirius defended immediately before cringing, "Sorry, um," he sighed, "Maybe."

Lorelei let out a small laugh at his confession, "Who's the lucky guy?"

"Lorelei." Sirius said darkly, "I'm practically dating you, I don't have feelings for anyone else."

"Oh come on, Sirius. We're hardly serious." Her smile didn't dim as she gently bumped his arm, "Now tell me, I'm dying of curiosity."

"A gentleman doesn't gossip about his feelings for another in front of his..." Sirius stumbled on his dramatics, "Whatever you are."

Lorelei laughed, "Fine." Lorelei stood straighter and stood directly in front of him with a serious expression, "Sirius, I'm breaking up with you."

Scoffing, Sirius rolled his eyes, "Lorelei, you don't have to-"

"No, it's final, if you're going to hide things from me I don't want to date you anymore." She teased, suppressing a smile.

Sirius let on his own small smile, "It's probably nothing, I have never really felt interested in other men before."

"That means very little. You don't have to be attracted to only one gender, you know. How boring is that?" Lorelei joked, trying to make Sirius more comfortable, "And besides, I'm your friend before anything and you came to me asking for advice."

Sirius pursed his lips, "Are we really broken up?"

"Yes, we are," She impatiently responded, "Your happiness comes before all else, Sirius, and we weren't even committed, now tell me."

Sirius rolled his eyes while a smile crept onto his face, "I don't think I can say it."

Lorelei gave him a look while tilting her head down.

"I'm nervous!" He defended.

Lorelei threw up her hands, "There's no one else here! It's just me! And I couldn't judge you even if I wanted to, there are plenty of fine men here at Hogwarts."

Sirius stubbornly kept his mouth shut.

"Is it Frank Longbottom? I'm afraid he's taken." She teased.

After more nothing from Sirius, Lorelei rolled her eyes and threatened, "I will start listing people and I will drag it out of you Sirius Black, mark my words I will not rest until I get a name, or a hair color even, I am very persistent and you do not-"

"It's Remus." Sirius admitted, cutting her off.

Lorelei's jaw dropped and her eyes widened and for a moment she just stared at his slightly terrified expression.

The longer she stared the more anxiety built until it was almost palpable between the two of them.

Finally, her expression morphed into a large smile, "You fancy Remus!" She practically shouted before Sirius slapped his hand over her mouth.

Laughing into his hand, she said to his hand coming out muffled, "I can't believe I never noticed!"

"Godric, Lorelei, just announce it to the whole castle why don't you." Sirius whispered harshly. A small smile betrayed his rough words.

Laughing at his confession, Lorelei bounced on her heels as she took in the new information, "I'm already planning the wedding," She said dramatically, "If I'm not your best woman, I'm going to riot."

"You'll have to fight James for that spot."

"James can go suck a dick for all I care, he can be Remus's best man."

"And Peter?" Sirius asked, returning to his usual good humor.

"Peter can be the flower girl. Boy." She amended quickly.

Laughing, Sirius grabbed her shoulders and pulled her in for a hug, "Thank you, Lorelei."

Noticing the serious tone, Lorelei hugged him back. "Of course."


"Do the potatoes taste weird to you?"

Sirius looked over at her plate, "Mine tastes just fine."

Lorelei picked at the lumpy pile of mashed potatoes on her plate, "Never mind then."

Reaching over with his fork, Sirius put a bit of the potatoes on his fork before shoving it in his mouth. Tasting the potatoes thoroughly on his tongue Sirius slowly shook his head, "Maybe it's something else, the potatoes taste just fine."

Lorelei shook her head and took another bite of potatoes, "It's probably nothing, thank you for checking."

"Could you two stop being so mushy at the dinner table please? I'm trying to eat my potatoes without yacking all over the place." James said bitterly across from the two.

Lorelei gave a patient smile, "Jealous, Potter?"

James glared at her, making her laugh. "Well there's nothing to be jealous of anymore, I broke up with Sirius."

Peter spat out his juice from her left before turning to the pair, "Pardon me?"

Shrugging, Lorelei passed Peter a napkin, "We weren't even in a relationship."

"Wow, I really thought you two were in it for the long haul." Remus commented quietly from behind his book of the day.

From Peter's dramatics, Lorelei missed Potter's reaction until he said, "I told you she wasn't able to commit to people, Padfoot."

Turning her attention from Peter, Lorelei turned a deadly glare in James's direction, "Excuse me?" She asked darkly.

"Actually, James. It was my fault we broke up." Sirius cut in, looking between the two.

James looked away from Lorelei, "What do you mean?"

"I was," Sirius hesitated, "Having feelings for someone else. When I told Lorelei, she broke up with me so I would tell her who."

Narrowing his eyes skeptically, James asked slowly, "And who would that be?"

Sirius looked, almost desperately, at Lorelei. Making her cut in, "That is for Sirius to reveal when he's ready."

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