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"He came to that conclusion on his own

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"He came to that conclusion on his own." Lorelei defended.

Sirius's gaze picked her apart for any hint that she was lying.

The morning of October thirty first should have been fun, but Lorelei found herself cornered before she could even enter the Great Hall for breakfast. "I would never have told James anything."

His expression shifted, as if she'd said something revealing. "It's James again?" He asked lightly.

"I didn't tell him anything, Sirius." Lorelei said, trying to pry him away from dangerous territory.

"I never said you did." He responded, noticeably calmer now that a new topic had invaded his mind.

Panicking slightly, Lorelei word vomited the first thing that popped into her head, "Have you heard that Slytherin is putting together a costume party for tonight? I wasn't planning on going, but if you and your friends are going I might consider it."

Sirius allowed the topic change, but the glint in his eyes showed that he hadn't forgotten his new epiphany. "No, I hadn't heard that. Who told you?"

"I was invited." Digging through her bag she searched for the thick green parchment that had been launched at her only one day prior, "But again, I wasn't planning on going." Her hand brushed against the singular loose paper, making her snatch it and pull it out of her bag. Glancing over the invitation before extending the parchment to the Gryffindor boy in front of her, she told him slyly, "I think you should go."

As he read over the invitation, Lorelei fidgeted with the strap on her bag. As she studied his face, his eyes darted from left to right as he read the parchment, and a strand of black hair fell across his forehead. "I'll talk to James about it." He said finally, looking up from the invitation.

"Brilliant." Lorelei said automatically. "Let me know what you decide."

Nodding, Sirius turned his back to her as he reread the invitation as he walked away.

Blowing out a puff of air Lorelei's mind couldn't help but lead her to her stomach. Slightly nauseated, Lorelei tried to pinpoint why she might be feeling ill. Unwillingly, her mind replayed her interaction with Sirius and how his unspoken accusation made her feel.

"How do you feel about Potter?" Melissa asked her after she returned to her dorm room and told her friends about her interaction with Sirius, and her new nauseous feeling.

Momentarily stumped, Lorelei stared into Melissa's dark brown eyes. "I," Lorelei started, trying to force her brain to form a coherent opinion on the boy. "Think he is cruel for pranking Slytherins. Specifically the first years."

"Okay." Melissa responded cooly, clearly looking for a different answer but expecting the one she gave. "Beyond that."

"Pardon me?"

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