15~Lord forgive me

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"Looks like we're crashing a family vacation."

Janessa nodded as she and Dean walked up on a group of tubers hanging out in the shallow end of the river, enjoying the sun and drinks wrapped in colorful koozies. They'd broken up into groups to find information, deciding it wasn't wise to show up together.

Dean approached a man who'd just told his kids to stay where he could see them. "Sir, could you tell me how far we are from Apple Rapids?"

The man lifted his chin and surveyed Dean from beneath a baseball cap. "Throw a rock and you're there."

"Sam!" a woman cried, swatting his arm. "What my husband means is this is Apple Rapids," she said with a friendly smile. "If you're looking for the town, it's about a quarter a mile down the road." She hooked her thumb in the direction.

Sam scrutinized them. "You kids runaways?"

"No, sir. We came with our Ag teacher to help build houses in Thunder Rock."

"Oh, yeah, we heard of that program," the woman said. "A lot of people in the area have benefited because of the hard work of kids like you." She turned to her husband. "Isn't that right?"

"Yes, Marge, it's true." Sam kept up his uncanny stare. "Thunder Rocks is not a short walk. What are you kids doing here?"

"Our teacher thought hiking into town would be an adventure. He thinks kids need to put down the phones and pick up their feet." Janessa flashed a smile, trying her best to seem sincere. Dean's lips twitched at her comment.

Undaunted, she continued, "He's treating us to dinner at the Wiggly Worm."

Sam's gaze flicked to her and then he shook his head and turned to his wife. "Told you the public education system is in serious trouble. What kind of idiot would take kids on a hike through the hills this time of year?"

"Mr. Magee is actually a good teacher," Dean defended. "We should be getting back to the rest of our group. Thank you for your help," he said, quickly taking Janessa's hand.

"Mr. Magee?" Janessa bit back a smile.

"It was all I could think of at the time. You're one to talk. Put down our phones and pick up our feet?" he mimicked, laughing.

She laughed too. "Do you think he's still suspicious?"

"Hard to say. Sam's got a poker face. I don't think he'll report us, thank God."

Thinking of God, the one Janessa was now certain existed she felt a pang of conscience "I guess we shouldn't have lied."

"No, but considering someone is trying to kill us I think God will forgive a white lie here and there."

"You brought up God." Surprise lined the words. "I didn't think your family was religious."

"They're not. Doesn't mean I don't believe." His eyes met hers.

She wanted to press him for details, but they'd reached the others. Dean glanced around, probably noting that Colton, Mark, and Rose were missing.

"We heard you talking to Marge and Sam," Leo told them. "They went to get a phone and food."

"Did you find out about a motel?"

"We asked around. Apple Rapids has only one motel, which would draw too much attention. Luckily, the area is loaded with rentable cabins."

Grace pulled a brochure from her pocket. "The Yonder Star seems like the best one since it's family owned and surrounded by several other campgrounds. We stand a better chance of blending in."

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