28~God has blessed you with a special gift

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Grace tip-toed into the kitchen, careful not to wake anyone. It had been a long, sleepless night tossing and turning. Finally, she'd given up the fight and gotten out of bed.

"Power's back on."

She gasped. Spun. "Leo," she breathed, seeing him sitting at the kitchen table with a mug of coffee."

"Didn't mean to startle you." His was deep, gruff.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?"

"Same reason you're walking like the floor is made of glass. Didn't want to wake anyone. Coffee's fresh."

The aroma hit her and she inhaled. "Smells delicious."

Standing, he strode to the coffee pot and poured her a cup. He'd changed into a gray t-shirt with athletic shorts and his hair was damp from the shower.

Taking the cup from him, her eyes met his but he glanced away. Stepping past her he picked something off the table and walked outside, quietly shutting the door.

Grace stood there a moment, stung by his rejection. She didn't understand it. Following him outside, she caught the flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Running away from me, Leo?" she said lightly.

"Just giving you your space." His attention returned to something he was working on at the picnic table, effectively dismissing her.

It hurt. "Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"If I knew I wouldn't ask." Grace stepped in front of him, hoping to gain his attention.

Leo stopped what he was doing, sighed, and finally glanced up. "Really, Grace? You don't know?"

"It has something to do with yesterday when you asked if I believed you about your past. I do, you know."

His eyes held hers, letting her see his pained expression. "It's my fault for putting you on the spot in front of everyone. I shouldn't have asked. It wasn't fair."

"Wait, I said I believed you."

"You hesitated. You weren't sure. Are you going to deny it?"

Grace's chest tightened. "Leo, I—no, you're wrong."

"It doesn't matter, angel. We're too different."

"We're a lot alike." She held up her coffee like a peace offering. "We both like coffee," she teased.

His lips lifted in a sad smile. "That's the best you can do?"

"You and I are both different, Leo, but we're the same." Her expression twisted. "Ok, that's a total contradiction. I'm not the best with words. We're different from everyone else, but you and I are pages from the same book."

Something flickered in the depths of his eyes that made her heart trip a beat. "You're too sweet for me, angel."

"I don't know what that means."

"It means I don't deserve you. You're innocent."

"Because I've never had a boyfriend?"

"I'm not talking about that kind of experience." His brow knitted. "You have faith like a child. I see darkness all around me. Trusting God isn't easy for me."

"It's not always easy for anyone, Leo. We are all flawed. Every. Single. One." She brushed a wisp of hair from her cheek. "I don't think that's what you mean. You don't like my inexperience with guys."

He let out a humorless chuckle. "Then you don't know much about guys, angel."

"I don't understand."

"My mom always told me to treat women with respect. She meant no messing around if I wasn't prepared to stick around." Their gazes crashed. "I've never wanted to stick around."

Grace waited, sensing there was more to come.

A flicker of vulnerability shined in his eyes. "The truth is boring compared to the stories circulating around school. Holly and I went out a few times. That's all there was to it. I never hooked up with her or anyone else."

She advanced a step and slid onto the seat across from him, boldly holding his gaze. "You're a nice guy, Leo Wilder."

"Hardly," he scoffed. "But I did pray for you and Sarah last night."

Her heart grew wings. "That means a lot to me. I prayed for you too." Grace glanced down at the rock he was shielding with his hand. Lifting his arm to swat at a mosquito, she caught a peek at the intricate ink sketch of a girl sitting on tree roots staring out at a boy in the middle of the river. "Oh, Leo, that's incredible," she breathed. "Is that us?"

"Yeah." Even his tanned skin couldn't hide the color staining his jaw.

"It's amazing. You're a talented artist. I've never seen anything like it. That's why you were gathering rocks that day at the river."

"It's just a hobby."

"God has blessed you with a special gift."

He shrugged. "He's blessed you with some special gifts too, angel."

A soft laugh came from deep inside her chest. "Yes, but I'm still waiting to figure out what mine is."

"You don't know?" An odd look fell over his features as if he was surprised.

Grace shivered at the intensity of his gaze.

He leaned forward, one arm propped on the table. "It's love. Compassion. Understanding. You make people feel better and point them to God without coming across as judgmental."

A warm bubble spread inside her chest, and she couldn't stop a smile. "And you think I'm sweet? Oh, no, not nearly as sweet as you."

"That's the last word you should attach to my name. Don't you get it?" He seemed desperate to make her understand. "I'm not a player because I'm a good guy, Grace. Just because I'm too selfish and focused on my own problems to want to deal with anyone else's."

"I don't believe that."

With a heavy sigh, he got up and stalked to the edge of the bluff, staring out at the sunrise. She got up and approached slowly.

The sun rose on the horizon and it looked like an artist had taken a paintbrush and made bold strokes of orange, blue, and purple.

He must have known she followed because he spoke without turning around. "I like you a lot, angel." He cleared his throat. "I need you to be clear on who I am."

"I know who you are." She spoke clearly. His broad shoulders stiffened, but she wouldn't be daunted.

Grace advanced another step. "You're the guy that wouldn't leave me alone by the river, the one who didn't think twice before shielding me with his own body to protect me from gunfire. You're the guy who stays calm in times of crisis and prays for people you don't even know."

She reached for him, arm lifted, needing to touch him but he slowly turned around, his gaze slamming into hers. Her arm dropped, and her breath caught at the heat in his eyes.

Leo took one step which brought them within an inch of touching. His hands slid on either side of her cheeks, the touch sending delicious shivers along her skin.

Time seemed to slow. They stood like that, staring at one another. His hands were warm and his touch was gentle. He smelled so good.

"Grace." Her name was little more than a husky whisper on his lips.

Her lips parted and she tried to speak but her voice seemed to have deserted her.

He groaned. "If you don't stop looking at me like that, I'm going to kiss you."

Grace's breath hitched. Oh, how she wanted that kiss. "Ok."


"I want you to kiss me, Leo." Her gaze held on to his.

He sucked in a harsh breath. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

Leo dipped his head slowly, giving her time to change her mind until his mouth hovered above hers. Her heart raced. She felt his race too.

One heartbeat.

Two heartbeats.

His lips brushed hers. 

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