Chapter Two

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Aurora, please open up. I need to speak with you."

Aurora awoke to the sound of someone pounding on her bedroom door. Sitting up in her bed, dazed and confused, Aurora felt the hairs springing right up on her back once it was clicked open.

Her heart hitched in her chest, at the sight of her ex-boyfriend Christian appearing towards the edge of her bed, tentatively approaching her with caution.

He threaded a hand through his wavy black hair with his head hung low and his dark brown eyes downcast facing the floor, hesitating to take the next step forward before he at last made it to her bed. He was wearing a black buttoned-up shirt and jeans.

His hair had been dishevelled and dark circles covered his eyes from obvious lack of sleep. They were red and inflamed, as though he had been crying for hours. She had never seen him look so bad.

Aurora was up already, agitated and infuriated he was there, her cold feet hitting the carpeted flooring once she sprung out of bed, horror-stricken to find her ex-boyfriend standing in front of her, wondering how he found her. She wanted to scream and slap him in the face for showing up like this after what he did.

"Christian," she choked, trying to stifle a scream, as the realization of him being in her room began to take effect, shattering her to her core. "W-what are you doing here? How did you find me?"

With her back turned to him, she frantically covered herself by grabbing her turquoise bathrobe off a hanger in her closet, so Christan didn't get a glimpse of her still dressed in her undergarments.

She was thankful he at least looked away, respecting the fact that she was still half-naked. But there was still no reply from him.

She wondered if he'd pressured her father into giving him her address. It wouldn't have been the first time, Christan manipulated someone into getting what he wanted; she should have known he would stoop this low.

Once she was dressed more appropriately and her partly naked body was no longer on display for him to see, the anger of him being there began to take hold of her at his presence in her bedroom.

First, her mother died and now Christian was here, moments before she was meant to be seeing Bobby. Why was this happening? Why did he have to come all this way to Tennessee and ruin her night, when he was the one who cheated on her?

" Don't just stand there!" she yelled out, her cheeks, feeling hot with fury." Say something, would you? What are you doing here and what do you want, when I told you after we broke up that I never wanted to see you again!"

"I know," he said, holding his breath while smoothing a hand along his matted black hair for the second time. "But I just had to see you again. I have missed you and have been going crazy without you. You just up and left, without saying a word. I swear to god I thought something happened to you and wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay."

"I don't know owe you any explanation for why I left!" Aurora screamed at him, backing away from him on instinct, motioning her hand at him to stay away from her and not to come any closer.

He flung his arms up, indicating to her that he meant no harm and wouldn't take another step towards her.

"You know damn well, why I left. Now I want you," she stammered, anger written all over her face," to leave and never come back here again. I hate you," she lied, tears streaming down her face, those words choking in her throat, hurting her more than she realised."I hate you and never want to see you again."

As much as it pained their heart to say this, she knew she still loved Christian. She had been in love with him since the third grade. Before he decided to go and screw her best friend, she'd warmed up to the possibility of even marrying him someday.

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