Chapter Thirty

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Warning: explicit content. Please proceed with caution.

"You fucking bitch. You shot him!" Vinnie yelled, his icy cold blue eyes raking across the room at her. "Dallas go check on him and see if he's alive."

Dallas leaned over Christian's stiff corpse and examined his pulse to see if he was breathing. He looked up at Vinnie and shook his head.

"He's dead."

Panic began to rise in Aurora's chest when she saw them both looming towards her, stalking her as if she were their prey. Aurora knew this was it. She had to kill them now.

"Don't come any closer!" She warned them." Don't come any closer or else."

Dallas threw his head back laughing, his evil laughter echoing in her ears.

" Gimme a fuckin' break. I say we kill this little bitch now. What do you say?"

"Fuck yeah! Let's tear her limb from limb! Let's fuck her up! Let's make her hurt real bad!"

"Get the fuck away from me!" she cried, her voice barely a whisper over the sound of their high-pitched laughter. "Stand back or I swear I will blow your fucking brains out!"

Swallowing hard, Aurora acted fast and directed the gun at both Vinnie and Dallas, getting ready to open fire.

"I just knew you was gonna be trouble from the get-go," Vinnie said, stepping towards her, his steely gaze fixed on her."I kept telling Christian to forget you, to move on, but he just wouldn't listen. I even went as far as trying to get him to hook up with other girls, but nope, nothin'. He just wouldn't let go and now look at where it got him. That man loved you more than he'd loved anyone and you just broke his heart to pieces only to land up killin' him in the end. A good woman is supposed to stand by her man no matter what, but you ain't never done none of that. You really are a heartless bitch, you know that."

"Why do you care?" Aurora asked him. " He meant nothing to you anyway, so what's it to you what happened between us?"

"That don't matter none," he told her, pulling his gun from his holster." What matters is you're still standing here, breathing, when you should be six feet under. Either gimme the gun or I'll shoot your brains out! You got ten seconds and counting."

Aurora hobbled around, still pointing the gun at them, debating on which one of these creeps she should kill first.

It was a tough call because she knew this could end badly for her if she didn't plan this right. She couldn't fuck up. Not this time.

"Back the fuck off!" she kept screaming at them, sounding braver than she looked." Back the fuck away from me!"

Dallas and Vinnie both cackled, their wicked laughter ripping right through her for the second time.

"For the last fucking time, gimme your gun or else!" Vinnie warned her, taking another step in her direction. He started counting down now.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six..."

Her whole world was spinning before her eyes. She had to end this now.

Seconds before she was about to pull the trigger and shoot Vinnie when he started barreling towards her - a loud explosion erupted in the air, steering her off balance.

Bullets were spraying through the windows and then the sound of blaring sirens and hurried footsteps, followed shortly afterwards, sending Aurora into a panicked frenzy.

"It's the police! We have this whole place surrounded. Come out with your hands in the air!"

"Shit, shit, shit! It's the fucking police!" Dallas screamed at the top of his lungs." How the fuck did they find us? Someone must have ratted on us!"

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