Chapter Twenty- Six

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Warning: Highly explicit content in this chapter. Please proceed with caution.

By the time Christian stripped her of every last item of clothing she had left on her body and exposed her to all these perverted men in the room, she'd lost all hope Ryder would break from those ropes and save her.

If she was being honest with herself she didn't care what happened to her anymore -- she had lost the will to live and the mental fortitude left to go on.

She knew after they all had their way with her they would more than likely finish her off by killing both her and Ryder and disposing of their bodies somewhere out in the woods, to cover their tracks and make sure
the cops couldn't trace it back to them.

Christian must have given them strict instructions on where they must be buried because she'd been almost certain she'd overheard one of the men saying they planned on dumping their bodies somewhere out in the woods.

All she could do was wait it out and pray it would be over soon because she couldn't take much more of this.

Without even forcing herself to look up and go through the strenuous task of craning her neck in Ryder's direction so she could see if he was alive or not, she lay there like a stiff corpse and let Christian do what he wanted to her.

She presumed Ryder had either passed out or fatally died from a fractured skull by now due to the number of times Christian whipped him across the head with his gun. Nobody could have possibly survived that many blows to the head and still been conscious let alone be alive after that.

The rest of her was just as worse off as him. There were times when she started to become convinced she would blank out.

She was so weak, so depleted of life, she could barely hold her head up straight. The consistent tremors were becoming more and more frequent. She couldn't stop shaking the whole time as if ice-cold water had briskly been thrown on top of her even though the room was just above normal room temperature.

Being outside in those freezing conditions after escaping Ryder at the campsite before she was captured, not eating in days had all taken its toll on her and she could feel herself fading fast. If she didn't get medical attention within the next few hours she knew the consequences would be fatal.

Throughout the time her ex-boyfriend went from repeatedly swatting her across the face to mercilessly defiling every inch of her body with his hands, she couldn't bear to look at him.

The prescient part of her mind saw him pulling her legs apart already -- the way Ryder would do to her and have his way with her before it even happened.

She had hoped she would have been unconscious throughout the ordeal so that she wouldn't have to go through the experience of being raped by another man.

Rather than diving in for the kill and ramming his cock in her, Christian spent the next few minutes tormenting her instead like a snake toying with its undeserving prey. This went on for several agonizing minutes.

After a while, he started to grow despondent about her not giving in willingly to him and ordered her to sit up and look at him.

Once she failed to do as she was told, Christian backhanded her across the face. This time Aurora was certain she would black out. There was no way she could endure this much torture and pain inflicted on her body and still expect to remain coherent throughout the ordeal.

"Get on your knees, please," Christian commanded, to which she replied no in the hopes he would put her out of her misery right then and there.

She couldn't sit up or move, let alone get down on all fours and kneel down, so she was going to be damned if she was going to put her body through that much torture just because he told her she must.

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