Chapter Twenty-Four

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Aurora sat there while she watched on in horror as Christian lightly patted his friend on the back, feeling her teeth chatter and her body shake the longer they stood there deciding her fate.

"All in good time, Vinnie," she heard Christian assure him. "There's gonna be plenty of time for that; don't you worry."

The blonde man who Christan kept addressing as Vinne hadn't taken his glossy eyes off Aurora since he set his sights on her.

She noticed him grinning at her the entire time, his terrifying blue irises growing wider with lust the longer he continued to stare in her direction, undressing her with his hungry eyes.

At this point, Aurora was on the brink of losing her mind.

She started to wonder how many more of them there were lurking around as she was almost certain she could hear other voices in the background.

"Any sign of Ryder yet?"Christian asked, causing another onset of panic to grip hold of her.

Vinnie nodded and brought a cigarette to his thin, chapped lips, and sandwiched it between his teeth anxiously.

"Yeah, that's why I am here," he informed him, blowing a huge plume of cigarette smoke in her face. Because of Aurora's heightened sense of smell, she was forced to hold her breath and tilt her head to the side so she didn't throw up and put herself in even more danger. " I just caught sight of the fucker now and he's right on time too. So what's the plan, boss because the boys are waiting to make their move?"

Terror washed over Aurora, once she heard that Ryder had arrived and felt a new set of tears falling from her eyes like raindrops.

"Please," she whimpered in a strained, quivering voice. She planned to give it her best shot in the hopes that Christian would come to his senses, and have pity on her. "Please, Christian if you have ever felt anything for me, I am begging you, please just let me go. Whatever you have against Ryder has nothing to do with me, so please just untie me and let me go. I am begging you."

"Shut the fuck up!" Christian roared, causing her heart to surge in her chest the louder he raised his voice at her. "I don't want to hear another word, so shut the fuck up and sit there like a good little girl, because a whole lot of fun is about to commence and I would hate for you to miss it."

Petrified by his fury tearing through her, Aurora sat there huddled in the corner as she watched her ex-boyfriend call in the rest of the men into the room.

Three men appeared before her eyes and Aurora felt another wave of terror strike her to her core.

They all looked in their mid or early thirties like Vinnie. The one man had a bulldog face with terrifying green eyes that seemed to light up like a Christmas tree as soon as they landed in her direction.

There was a deep set scar running down the left side of his cheek and like Vinnie, his arms and neck were all plastered in cheap, pretentious jail tattoos.

The two other men were just as frightening if not even worse. The man on the right had wispy, thinning red hair, grey eyes, and a huge birthmark covering the right side of his neck.

He too wore the same menacing expression as the two other men. She took notice of the tall stockier man in the group who just languorously stood there in the corner, stacked with muscles, huge biceps, and folded arms.

He seemed to be the more placid one of the bunch for he hadn't uttered a word since he had come in, other than just reply with one-word answers and nod in agreeance to everything Christian told him to do.

All Aurora could do was sit there and silently pray to god for a miracle right now.

"So what now?" Vinnie spoke up, shaking Aurora from her fleeting thoughts."Because he's about to walk in that door at any minute and so far you have told me nothin' about what the plan is."

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