Chapter 1

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Everything was gone
Just like that. In a flash.

All your books, all your paintings, all of Mama's records, all your dresses, clothes, old toys.

All gone.

You wish this was the first time you've felt like this. But it isn't- and it probably won't be the last.

You watch as the fire department hoses down the last lingering flames on the house you grew up in.

You felt numb as you watched, only snapping out of your trance when a hand landed on your shoulder.

"Are you alright Miss?"

You turn your head and see a police officer looking at you with concern.

"Excuse me?"

"I said are you alright Miss? You're crying- did you live here?"


Not do, but did.

"Yes sir, I live- used to live here." You brush your hands against your cheeks to wipe the tears away. " Um, what happened?"

"Did you live alone Miss?", the officer looked at bit relieved after the tears were gone.

"No It was me and my daddy. Is he okay? Did something happen to him?" You can't seem to take a full breath.

"Im sorry honey but... he didn't make it."


You feel bad. And not like bad in like a "wow my daddy is dead that's really sad" kinda way, but more like "wow my daddy is dead and I don't feel sad".

While you aren't really sad he's gone, you are grieving the loss of something.

What am I gonna do? Where am I gonna go? I know I prayed and prayed for it all to stop, for him to just go away, for a new daddy-

" Miss? Miss? Sweetheart? Do you need to sit down?"

All you can do is nod your head. You fall onto a big old stump in front of the yard. As you sit you feel the ad your coworker gave you this morning in your uniform pocket. It was only a few hours ago, but it seems like years.

Hey girl, guess what I saw in the paper today?

You had been clearing and wiping off the tables while Rosetta was sweeping. Or supposed to be sweeping.

"Rosie, you know we're not supposed to be chitchatting or we'll be in trouble with Mr. Whiting." You glance around to see if he's watching while Rosetta rolls her eyes.

"You're such a goody two shoes Y/N, I swear. Is that any way to treat your best friend? Especially when she's got some news about your favorite white boy..." Rosetta shakes the paper she has in her hands.

"Elvis?" You turn around too quickly and bump your arm into the table. Pain shoots up your arm as you grit your teeth to try and bear it.

"Are you okay?" Rosetta goes to grab your arm and you flinch as you struggle to hold on your tears.

"Yea im fine. Just a little bump not a big deal", you say with a watery smile.

Rosetta fixes you a stern look. "Lift up your sleeve Y/N."

"Rosetta, I really need to finish cleaning these tables. I don't want Mr. Whiting to be angry-"

"Has he been hitting on you again? Last time you said you had it handled, and I didn't want to pry, but I swear to our Lord above I'll kill-"

"Rosetta! It's nothing. Please just drop it." You stare at her with a pleading look on your face.

Rosetta crosses her arms and grumbles under her breath, " Fine, only cause I know what I'm about to tell you will be the answer to your prayers."

You feel your heartbeat pick up speed. "Answer to my prayers?," you giggle. "Unless that paper says that Elvis Presley is gonna visit this little old diner today, I think I'll be a little let down."

"Even better. Look! It says he's looking for a personal assistant!," Rosetta shoves the paper in your face and points at the ad.


            Do you love Elvis Presley?

We've got an opportunity where you can work directly with the King himself.

Come on down to Las Vegas and interview to be Elvis Presley's personal assistant!

Interviews will be held on the following days:

Wednesday, September 18th

Thursday, September 19th

Friday, September 20th

Interviews start at 8:00am PDT and conclude at 5:00pm.

You stare at Rosetta. "This is great Rosie, but what does that have to do with me?"

Rosetta rolls her eyes. "Y/N, you're my best friend but ooh girl sometimes you are kinda dense... You should apply! You'd be up close and personal with your favorite white boy," she winks. "isn't that like your dream?"

You look down and blush as you continue to wipe the next table. "Well of course I'd love to even see him, let alone be his personal assistant, but I'd never get that job. I'm nowhere near smart enough haha."

Rosetta frowns. "Y/N you are one of the smartest people I know. You always give people they change lighting quick when you're working the register. And you never leave this place without your nose in some book. So don't give me that bullshit about not being smart enough."

"Rosetta please! You don't have to use that kind of language, " you say as you feel your face heat up. "That's just simple stuff. Even if I thought I could get the job, I wouldn't even be able to get there. You don't have a car, and I don't know how to drive, and Daddy definitely can't take me. Not that he'd even let me go." You give Rosetta a weak smile. "Thanks for thinking of me, but girls like me just aren't meant for great things like that."

"You really need to stop underestimating yourself. You can take the train! I think it takes like 3 and a half days? That's what my cousin said when he visited for his birthday. If you leave tomorrow, you can get there in time! Please Y/N, you never do anything for yourself! Today is my last day before I move, and I want to see you do something YOU want to do for once in your life."

She rips the page with the ad out of the newspaper and folds it up, putting it in your pocket.

"Please just- promise me you'll think about it okay?"


You jolt as you feel the officer's hand shaking your shoulder.

"Is there someone you'd like us to call or somewhere you can go?"

You pull the ad out of your pocket and read the words that are illuminated by the light of the pale blue moon.

"I- if it's not too much trouble... could you please give me a ride to the train station sir? I'd greatly appreciate it.

A/N: I've tried to post this on here like 3 times lol. But anyway, I hope y'all like it. This will have ddlg elements to it. It's also on tumblr and AO3.

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