Chapter 4

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I am soo soo sorry this took forever. I honestly didn't expect people to like this that much haha so I didn't expect for people to care when I updated. I am definitely more of a reader than a writer so it's hard to get in the mood to write but I finally finished this chapter. Hope y'all like it !

Also I have nothing against Priscilla Presley at all and I don't think this is how she is in real life. This is just for the story.

Priscilla stomps down the hallway towards the elevator, designer sunglasses hiding the harsh glare directed at anyone who crosses her path.Lisa is on her hip, crying from being abruptly woken up from a nap. Priscilla absentmindedly bounces her up and down but her mind is elsewhere. She can't believe what she just heard. If she were a character in Looney Tunes she'd have steam coming out of her ears.

Elvis carrying some chick up to our suite? In front of everybody? He's gone too far this time.

She impatiently taps her foot as the elevator door closes. Water drips from her stringy hair creating little puddles on the floor. Lisa is still crying but her cries are no longer ear splitting. Priscilla had been relaxing in the pool while a worker was watching Lisa Marie when she heard the news.

"I swear I'm not lying. I saw them with my own eyes!"

"Are you sure it was him? Maybe it was someone else?"

"Are you stupid or something?? Of course it was him, how could anyone be confused for THE Elvis Presley?"

The two workers had been cleaning up around the pool when Priscilla noticed them huddled together, slowly cleaning the same area over and over again.

" Who was the girl?"

"I don't know. I've never seen her before so she's not on the cleaning staff. I don't think she works here at all. She was wearing like a waitress uniform or something."

" Hmm. Maybe she works in the restaurant . That doesn't explain why he was carrying her though."

"Yeah maybe, but get this; she was black."

"Black?? I didn't know Elvis liked those kind of girls."

"And heavy too. I don't know, but I think they went to his suite."

"Oh my gosh really? Oh man, poor Priscilla. "

Priscilla felt her face heat up with anger and embarrassment as she replays the conversation she overheard in her mind.

As the door to the elevator opens, Priscilla stomps out, her blue eyes darting back and forth looking for her husband.


Priscilla stalks from room to room, her eyes frantically searching for Elvis while Lisa whines tiredly in her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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