Chapter 2

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One month earlier

It's a hot morning in Las Vegas. Elvis lays on the couch in his suite with an arm thrown over his eyes in frustration.

"I just don't understand why I need to have an assistant all of a sudden. Ain't we been doing just fine all  these years?"

"Well my boy," the Colonel shifts forward, leaning on his cane, "This is a big show we plan to put on here at the International. Wouldn't it be nice to have some little fox running around here, tending to your needs?" Elvis takes his arm down to see the Colonel looking at him with a glint in his eyes.

"I don't know if you remember but I'm married now Colonel. I don't need no foxes running around here."

The Colonel raises his hands on concession. "Whatever you say, showman, but this is also a way you can connect with your fans. Don't worry I'll handle everything. All you have to do is show your face and say a little something to the ladies. We'll do the interviews, hire some pretty girl, then if you don't like her you can fire her after a month. Whatever you want, okay?"

Elvis flops back on his couch, sighing deeply. "Fine. But I'm not gon' be sitting through all those interviews."

The Colonel laughs, "Hahaha of course my boy, of course. Like I said, I'll handle everything. You just worry about the music and that beautiful wife and baby you've got." The Colonel goes to leave, stopping in the doorway.  "And who knows, maybe something good will come of this." He winks at Elvis and strolls out into the hall.

'Maybe,' Elvis thinks. He closes his eyes while shaking his head.

'The Snowman strikes again.'


You release a shaky breath as you clutch the $10 bill in your sweaty palm. Your other hand fidgets nervously with your bottom lip as you wait in line to buy your ticket to Las Vegas.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I can't believe I'm doing this. This is crazy, I should just go back home and-

Oh. I don't have a home anymore. I don't have anything, or anyone. After I buy this ticket, I'll only have $10 left. What happens if I run out? What if I don't get the job? What will I do? Where will I go? I can't -


You startle back into reality to see the man at the ticket booth staring at you; his eyes flashing in annoyance. You quickly scurry up to the window like a little mouse, ready to recite the script you've been practicing in your mind.

"Hello sir! I'm so sorry for holding up the line. May I please have one ticket for the next train to Las Vegas?" You flatten your $10 bill on the apron of your uniform dress; which is now where your entire wardrobe starts and ends.

"$5." His face is blank as he holds his hand out for the money. You smile weakly as you give him the bill. He gives you your ticket and change back.

"Coach cars are 6-10. The train leaves at 7:00pm. Don't be late."

"O-Okay. Thank you sir." You give the man a little smile and wave before looking for your train number.

Train number 15, train number 15, train numb-

As you look up to check what train is in front of you, you crash into a blonde woman rushing to her train. As you lose your balance and fall backwards, all of the contents of your bag fall to the ground. You quickly get up and start apologizing to the woman.

"I'm so so sorry ma'am. Are you okay? I didn't mean to-"

"Why don't you watch where you're goin' fatty," she sneers at you with her mouth pinched in disdain. She stomps off without another glance in your direction.

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