Pilot (1/5)

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A dracion named Frost was Flying through a City called 'New York' and was bumping into all sorts of things like Build-Boards and Giant Posters

Frost: ya know for such a big city, you guys like to put random stuff in the air

While Frost was Flying, 2 other Dracions, 'Felix and 'Ivy' were getting Chased By Police Cars, one of the police eventually rolled down their car window and activated their megaphone

Police 1: On the behalf of the people in New York City, Get down from the Air and Put your hands behind your back!!

Ivy: Jeez you humans are so controlling, ever heard of Free will?

Felix: no wonder our race hates you guys

Another one of the Police officers also rolled down their car window, whipped out a Gun and Started shooting at Felix but Felix easily dodged it

Felix: Shit! C'mon this way!

The 2 of them fly into an Allyway but Unfortunately its a Deadend and the police catch up to them, the group of police all got out of their cars and Pointed Guns at Felix and Ivy

Police 2: Get on the Ground NOW!!!

Ivy: well crap...

The both of them Fly down to the floor and slowly put their hands in the air. But before the Cops do anything, a silver car drives behind the poilce cars and 2 people in black suits come out of the car, one with Megenta hair, another with Blue hair

Person in Black 1: Don't worry Officers..we'll take it from here

Felix: huh?..

Laura: I'm Agent Laura..and you two will be coming with us

Felix and Ivy: What The Fuc-

Earlier (Dracionia, Greenland, February 28th, 2020)

Frost was patiently waiting in a Daily News Building, his wait was finally over as a male Dracion with a fluffy beard walked in

Frost: So how are the pictures Mr. Cornell?

Mr. Cornell takes gives a big sigh to Frost, letting him know that it wasn't good

Mr. Cornell: Mayfield, I'm gonna get striaght to the point with you, The pictures you've been taking aren't really that...impressive...

Frost: I don't understand..what are you saying Mr. Cornell?

Mr. Cornell: Mayfield, look, you're a good kid and I understand that but looking back for the past year, being a Photographer isn't the best thing for you to do, you should try finding a new Job...I'm sorry to say this but you're fired

Frost: W-What?!

Frost's POV: I was on a rooftop staring into the sky wondering what went wrong, who knew that life would be so hard after High School??

3rd Person POV: a door behind frost then opened as a Red-Blueish Haired Girl walked out

3rd Person POV: a door behind frost then opened as a Red-Blueish Haired Girl walked out

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