Leopard in Alaska

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Goodman: You all can temporarily work for the G.P.S...

Mayor Goodman snaps his fingers and Alexis' hand morphs into a pistol

Goodman: Or get terminated on the spot...

Everyone stays silent before Ivy responds reluctantly

Ivy: What's the G.P.S?

Mayor Goodman adjusts his glasses and clears his throat

Goodman: The G.P.S, also known as The Global Protection Service, is an organization that protects everything across the planet from anomalies.

Frost: What are seen as anomalies?

Goodman: Anomalies, are Creatures that are start to become a threat to earth or Creatures that have abilities they shouldn't...Like that bear from the Zoo

Ersa: And What if we do work for the G.P.S...?

Mayor Goodman stays silent before he answers

Goodman: You'll find out later

Location: Queens, Mayor Goodman's Office, 8:16PM

Mayor Goodman grabs a remote from his desk and presses a button, once he does a TV descends from the ceiling of a wall and he turns on the screen

Goodman: There are 4 levels of anomalies. First being the lowest and Fourth being the highest and most dangerous..Now...

Mayor Goodman turns off the TV

Goodman: I have a special test for you all

Mayor Goodman walks to his bag and takes out an Ipad and he turns it to show the group

Goodman: There are 3 Anomolies around the world I need you to either Execute or Capture Them, One in Mount Foraker of Alaska, Another in the Centla swamps of Mexico, and the Final one in Lake Kawaguci of Japan.

Goodman: Frost, Felix, Finn. You all will go to Alaska with Laura. Ivy, Ersa, You both will go to Mexico with Clark. Marceline and Paragus, You both will go to Japan with Alexis..Also, Frost, Felix and Finn.

Mayor Goodman walks to the 3 and gives each of them face masks

Mayor Goodman: its very dark on Mount Foraker, These will help you see better

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Mayor Goodman: its very dark on Mount Foraker, These will help you see better.

Frost, Felix, Finn look at eachother and they take the masks.

Location: Mount Foraker, Alaska
Time: 12:47 AM

On Mount Foraker, Frost, Felix and Finn walk out of a Helicopter behind Laura.

Laura: Ok boys, lets lay out some ground rules, 1. Don't leave the group. 2. If you see something thats not natural then say something. 3. If one of you get Injured then fall back to the helicopter

The 3 Dracions nod in agreement

Finn: So..What are we looking for, exactly

Laura: The Anomaly we're looking for is reported to be a Snow Leopard of some kind. The Texture of this mountain will give it some advantages so its best If you all put on the masks Mayor Goodman gave you.

Frost: Right...

The 3 Dracions put on the masks and the eyes of the masks glow blue.

10 minutes later, The Group is looking around Mount Foraker, trying to find The Snow Leopard. Suddenly, Felix sees The Silhouette of the Leopard, he's about to warn everyone but the Leopard turns its head, it's eyes glowing blue

Felix: I think I found it!

Laura: Good, Neutralize it-

Within a flash, The Snow Leopard pounced ontop of Laura, luckily Frost was quick enough to kick it off Laura, The group got a good look at the leopard, It was weirdly robotic

Within a flash, The Snow Leopard pounced ontop of Laura, luckily Frost was quick enough to kick it off Laura, The group got a good look at the leopard, It was weirdly robotic

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Frost: Its....a Robot?!

Finn: Why is it all the way out here?!

Laura: The better question is why is the robot labeled as an Anomaly...

The Robot Snow Leopard hissed at the group, Laura pulled out a knife and the 3 dracions got into fighting positions

To Be Continued...

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